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1003 Ergebnisse
In: Margalla papers, S. 180-197
ISSN: 1999-2297
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) form part of the industrial growth strategies of the respective countries to stimulate economic growth and community development. China has emerged as the most prosperouscountry in developing SEZs for long-termeconomic and social transformations of its people. Bangladesh, treading its path, achieved long-termforeign direct investments and developed its SEZs. Indian development of SEZs facedproblems but contributed to attracting FDIs and triggeringexports. SEZs Act 2016 in Pakistan laid the outlines for developing and regulatingSEZs in Pakistan1. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) with integrated SEZs can be a potential economic growth stimulus. Critical Success Factors (CSF) like bold policy initiatives, customiseddesigns, correct location with proficient and effective management, and institutional protocols through internal connectivity and integration can be the recipe for the success of SEZs in Pakistan2
In: Routledge Revivals Series
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Original Title Page -- Original Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Tables -- List of Figures -- Dedication -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- 1: The Pakistan Economy -- Review of the Economy -- The Structure of the GDP -- Investment -- Balance of Payments -- Influx of Aid -- 2: Industrialisation: Imperatives and Contradictions -- Choice of Scale -- Choice of Industry -- Public Versus Private Enterprise -- Industrial Efficiency -- Appropriate Technology -- Location -- Import Substitution -- Export led Substitution -- Economic Power and Industrial Concentration -- The Unacceptable Face of Capitalism -- Impact on Economic Development -- The Role of Government -- The Government as a Catalyst -- The Government as a Guide and Strategist -- The Government as Guarantor -- Equality and Welfare -- 3: The Concept of Entrepreneurship -- Problems and Historical Review -- The Views of Early Economists -- Activities of the Entrepreneurical Research Centre -- Relevance of theories to Pakistan and other less Developed Countries -- Recent Economic Thought -- Current Empirical Studies -- Sociologists Views -- Psychologists Views -- The Pakistani Scene -- 4: The Origins and Occupations of Entrepreneurs -- Occupational Options at Partition -- Occupations of Entreprenerus' Fathers -- Growth in Inherited Industry -- Occupational Mobility -- The Virtues of Traders and Merchants -- The Professionals -- The Agriculturalists -- Motivational Dynamics -- Occupational Mobility and Popularity of Industry -- Occupational Specialisation in the North West Frontier Province, Baluchistan and Sind -- Age Profile -- Education of Entrepreneurs -- Primary Education -- Education and Size of Firm -- Education and Entrepreneurs' Concept of Profit -- Community and Caste Response to Education.
In: Routledge Revivals Series
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Original Title Page -- Original Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- List of Tables -- List of Figures -- Acknowledgements -- Dedication -- Introduction -- 1: Industrialisation -- Industrial Policy Statement -- Sanctioning Procedures -- Deregulation -- 2: Reappraisal of Theories of Risk and Uncertainty -- Recent Economic Thought -- 3: Stimulating Economic Environment -- Fiscal Incentives -- Commercial Policy -- Tariff Protection and Its Effects -- Tax Holidays -- Awareness of Incentives -- Impact of Education, Experience and Training -- Impact of Awareness of Incentives -- Quantification -- Ranking of Incentives -- Location -- Industrialising Effects -- Government Influence on Investment -- Market -- Chambers of Commerce and Industry -- Bureaucratic Regulation -- Change and Instability -- Interplay of Incentives and Disincentives -- 4: Uncertainty and Risk -- Entrepreneurs' Variability -- Uncertainty -- Risk -- Rewards of Uncertainty and Risk -- Methodology of Risk Measurement -- Motivation -- 5: Risk Measurement and Coverage -- Basis for Evaluation -- First Group -- Second Group -- Third Group -- Fourth Group -- Fifth Group -- Sixth Group -- 6: Entrepreneurial Performance -- Variability in Performance -- Entrepreneurs' Reasons for Success -- Motivation and Success -- Government Policy - Effects on Entrepreneurs -- Entrepreneurs, Scale Economics and Concentration -- Industrial Efficiency -- Entrepreneurial Response to Risk and Uncertainty -- Conclusions -- Bibliography -- Index.
This book is a journey through leading and incredibly diverse emerging markets in a world of shocks and transitions. Tracing the rise of China, the emergence of India, the changing fortunes in Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico, the unique developments in Turkey and Indonesia, the complex geopolitics in Russia and Saudi Arabia, and the challenging post-apartheid transition in South Africa, the study examines their varying prospects in the years to come. Using an innovative analytical approach and rich empirics, the book delves into topics ranging from macroeconomics to human development, institutions to climate change. It provides a strategic roadmap of reform for these economies to escape the middle-income trap. It argues that in a world where advanced economies are defined by slowdown, growing trade blocs, changing demographics, and the rise of renewable technologies, emerging markets will continue to play a significant but complex role in the twenty-first century. Ali Zafar is a macroeconomist with more than 20 years experience advising governments in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East. He is the author of The CFA Franc Zone: Economic Development and the Post-Covid Recovery (2021). He is head of the UNDP Development Policy Research Hub and Economic Advisor in Ethiopia
1. The Context -- 2. The Institutional Arrangements that Govern the Zone -- 3. History of the CFA Zone -- 4. The Macron and Ouattara Reform of the CFA -- 5. The Problem with the CFA Zone -- 6. Reforming and Modernizing the Zone with Currency Flexibility -- 7. The Roadmap for a Better Future -- 8. Poverty Traps in the Sahel -- 9. Dutch Disease and Resource Curse in CEMAC -- 10. The Underperforming Private Sector -- 11. Stagnant Agriculture and the Lack of Structural Transformation -- 12. Climate Change and Migration -- 13. The Tragedy of Lower Quality Economic Analysis for Poorer Countries -- 14. Geopolitics, France, and African Elites: The Political Economy -- 15. The Triumph of Politics over Economics -- 16. How Britain was Different: The Story of the Sterling Zone -- 17. Exits from the CFA style arrangements: Experience of Mauritania Morocco, and Vietnam -- 18. Colonialism, Racism, and Black Lives -- 19. The Winds of Change -- 20. Less Competitive Economies -- 21. Political Economy of Urban Bias against Rural Poor -- 22. Coping with Shocks: Erratic Public Investment in CFA Zone -- 23. Lack of Independent Monetary Policy and Financial Intermediation Challenges -- 24. Importance of Flexible Exchange Rate to Deal with Covid Shocks -- 25. Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the CFA Zone -- 26. What is Happening to Growth and Inflation -- 27. Widening Twin Deficits in the Subzones -- 28. Accelerating Debt -- 29. Recent Misalignment -- 30. Getting out of the Impasse: Exchange Rate Options for the CFA Zone -- 31. Alternative Pegs for the CFA: Basket, Separate Pegs for UEMOA and CEMAC, Peg to Dollar -- 32. Possible Floating Arrangements for the CFA: Managed and Free Floating -- 33. Goodbye CFA: Ten Steps Exchange Rate Reform Roadmap for a post-Covid World -- 34. How to Address Growing CFA Zone Debt -- 35. Strengthen Supply Chains, Reduce Transport Costs, and Accelerate Regional Integration -- 36. Time to Support SME Development in the CFA Zone.
World Affairs Online
The only common aspect among all definitions of Islamophobia is that all of them have something negative to say about Muslims or Islam or both. This book traces Islamophobia as a phenomenon from history and attempts to break some of the myths that are dominant in contemporary literature. It explains how the fear of Islam travelled through ages, adding more ills into its ambit and escalating to a level of generalized fear of Muslims today. Islamophobia: History, Context and Deconstruction challenges many established theories including that of the influential post-colonial writer and critic. Edward Said's view that Islamophobia is European hostility and prejudice towards Arabo-Muslim people. The author envisages Islamophobia as a multidimensional construct and provides tools for measuring its manifold dimensions. The book focuses on providing a diagnosis of the problem and prognostic solutions to avoid further degradation of the relations between Islam, the West and the rest. It is a response from the East to the Western discourses on Islamophobia
In: Routledge contemporary South Asia series 84
Introduction: the making of Pakistan's post-1998 nuclear policy -- Historical analysis of Pakistan's nuclear development program -- Pakistan's rationale of minimum deterrence: why the minimum? -- Pakistan's policy of minimum credible deterrence: why minimum is not the minimum -- Pakistan's nuclear force building -- Pakistan's doctrine of nuclear first use -- Pakistan's policy of arms control and disarmament: a call for arms control regime in South Asia -- Conclusion: a call for an actual minimum
In: New horizons in money and finance