32 Ergebnisse
From Transvestite Text to Militant Camp: A Comparison Between A. Corteau's The Book Of Katerina and K. Tahtsis' The Third Wedding Wreath
In: Enthymema: rivista di teoria, critica e filosofia della letteratura, Heft 35, S. 157-168
ISSN: 2037-2426
The article provides a close reading of the novel Το βιβλίο της Κατερίνας [The Book of Katerina] by Auguste Corteau, highlighting its connections and divergences from Το τρίτο Στεφάνι [The Third Wedding Wreath] by Kostas Taktsis. It explores issues of social gender, family, and autobiography through the lens of camp discourse. From a theoretical perspective, the analysis builds on Fabio Cleto's considerations of queer readings of camp discourse.
Languages of Resistance, Transformation and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique, Maria Boletsi, Janna Houwen and Liesbeth Minnaard (eds) (2021)
In: Journal of Greek media & culture, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 113-115
ISSN: 2052-398X
Review of: Languages of Resistance, Transformation and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes: From Crisis to Critique, Maria Boletsi, Janna Houwen and Liesbeth Minnaard (eds) (2021)
Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 312 pp.,
ISBN 978-3-03036-414-4, h/bk, €114.39,
ISBN 978-3-03036-417-5, p/bk, €83.19,
ISBN 978-3-03036-415-1, e-book, €93.08
Le rappresentazioni della mascolinità nei manuali di letteratura contemporanea per il liceo generale in Grecia
I manuali di letteratura contemporanea per il liceo generale in Grecia costituiscono uno degli ingranaggi più significativi della formazione dei cittadini. Il sistema del libro unico che vige nel Paese fin dall'inizio del XX secolo ha fatto sì che il libro di testo fosse oggetto, nel corso del Novecento, di interessi di carattere politico e ideologico. La tesi indaga i manuali attualmente in uso in un'ottica di genere, al fine di dimostrare come possono influire sulla costruzione di genere degli studenti nell'età cruciale dell'adolescenza. Il focus è posto in particolare sulla costruzione del genere maschile, tramite un'analisi caratterizzata dal close reading dei brani letterari antologizzati e dei paratesti che li accompagnano, ai quali sono applicate le teorie degli Studi sulla Mascolinità, e soprattutto di R.W. Connell, P. Bourdieau e E.K. Sedgwick. Il lavoro si apre con un capitolo che introduce alla storia e alle peculiarità del sistema d'istruzione greco, nonché al modo in cui il destino dei libri scolastici si è intrecciato nel corso del Novecento alla Questione della lingua; prosegue con una mappatura delle posizioni teoriche di riferimento; infine affronta la vera e propria analisi dei testi, che vengono suddivisi in base alla tipologia di rapporti di genere rappresentati al loro interno: mascolinità e sfera privata; mascolinità e sfera pubblica; mascolinità e guerra. Un focus trasversale è dedicato alla rappresentazione della violenza.
The essay the potential application of the constitutional reform Renzi-Boschi. If the reform will be approved, the balance of powers will be redesigned. In the new Constitution, only the Chamber of the Deputies will confer a vote confidence on the government (until now, the government has had to obtain the confidence of both the Chamber and the Senate). The new Senate of the Republic will no longer be elected by the citizens, but rather selected by the regional councils from among their members and some mayors, in order to represent "territorial institutions" ; Dopo mesi di dibattiti, discussioni e forte tensione politica, il 4 dicembre 2016 i cittadini italiani si sono recati alle urne per pronunciarsi sulla riforma della Costituzione approvata dal Parlamento con legge costituzionale n. 88 del 15 aprile 2016. La legge di revisione costituzionale si proponeva in particolare di modificare l'assetto istituzionale dell'ordinamento italiano: la finalità principale consisteva nel superamento del bicameralismo perfetto in modo da razionalizzare la forma di governo parlamentare e garantire la stabilità dell'esecutivo. Le prime discussioni sull'opportunità del bicameralismo paritario si manifestarono fin dal periodo immediatamente successivo all'entrata in vigore della Costituzione. ; W artykule przedstawione zostały podstawowe założenia tzw. reformy konstytucyjnej Renzi-Boschi. Reforma przewidywała odejście od równorzędnej dwuizbowości, redukcję składu osobowego Senatu oraz zmienię jego funkcji ustrojowych. Ponadto, zakładała zmianę podziału administracyjnego kraju. Pomimo odrzucenia reformy w referendum ogólnokrajowym warto przybliżyć założenia i uwarunkowania polityczno-społeczne, które jej towarzyszyły.
The essay the potential application of the constitutional reform Renzi-Boschi. If the reform will be approved, the balance of powers will be redesigned. In the new Constitution, only the Chamber of the Deputies will confer a vote confidence on the government (until now, the government has had to obtain the confidence of both the Chamber and the Senate). The new Senate of the Republic will no longer be elected by the citizens, but rather selected by the regional councils from among their members and some mayors, in order to represent "territorial institutions" ; Dopo mesi di dibattiti, discussioni e forte tensione politica, il 4 dicembre 2016 i cittadini italiani si sono recati alle urne per pronunciarsi sulla riforma della Costituzione approvata dal Parlamento con legge costituzionale n. 88 del 15 aprile 2016. La legge di revisione costituzionale si proponeva in particolare di modificare l'assetto istituzionale dell'ordinamento italiano: la finalità principale consisteva nel superamento del bicameralismo perfetto in modo da razionalizzare la forma di governo parlamentare e garantire la stabilità dell'esecutivo. Le prime discussioni sull'opportunità del bicameralismo paritario si manifestarono fin dal periodo immediatamente successivo all'entrata in vigore della Costituzione. ; W artykule przedstawione zostały podstawowe założenia tzw. reformy konstytucyjnej Renzi-Boschi. Reforma przewidywała odejście od równorzędnej dwuizbowości, redukcję składu osobowego Senatu oraz zmienię jego funkcji ustrojowych. Ponadto, zakładała zmianę podziału administracyjnego kraju. Pomimo odrzucenia reformy w referendum ogólnokrajowym warto przybliżyć założenia i uwarunkowania polityczno-społeczne, które jej towarzyszyły.
A collision avoidance algorithm for ship guidance applications
In: Journal of marine engineering & technology, Band 19, Heft sup1, S. 62-75
ISSN: 2056-8487
Psychological reactions to crime in small local communities
In: Psicologia politica, Heft 44, S. 57-68
ISSN: 1138-0853
Cultivating inclusive leadership: a catalyst for enhanced organizational citizenship
In: Corporate governance: international journal of business in society
ISSN: 1758-6054
The present manuscript aims to develop and validate a theoretical model capable of explaining that organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by the extent to which employees feel valued, accepted and considered integral to the organizational fabric. To do this, the authors draw on social identity theory, according to which the level of identification of a person with a group or organization is not fixed but situational and context-dependent.
To validate the theoretical model, the authors surveyed the employees of eight large-scale distribution companies operating in Italy. Overall, the authors received completed data from 2,010 employees.
The authors theorize and demonstrate that the presence of an inclusive corporate climate positively influences employees' perceptions of work inclusion and that this latter, in turn, positively affects organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, they show that the indirect effect of an inclusive corporate climate on organizational citizenship behavior becomes stronger when inclusive leadership is promoted within an organization.
Overall, this paper confirms social identity theory in a novel way. Social identity theory suggests that the context can impact an employee's identification with the organization they work for, without specifying the characteristics that the context must possess. The authors' contribution reaffirms this theory by proposing that it is specifically the inclusiveness of the context that positively influences the employee's identification within the organization. By focusing on this aspect of inclusion, this research introduces a novel perspective that enriches the current discourse on OCB and underscores the importance of cultivating inclusive workplace environments. Also, the authors add theoretical nuance to previous literature by suggesting that the way top management exercises leadership over employees can amplify the strength of corporate climate influence on worker inclusion perception.
How to promote workplace inclusion? Needs and meanings through the lens of HR managers
In: Corporate governance: international journal of business in society, Band 25, Heft 1, S. 89-108
ISSN: 1758-6054
Although the topic of inclusion has become a hot and unavoidable issue for organizations, research on how this topic is being addressed in companies is still almost nonexistent. How do HR managers promote workplace inclusion? The objective of this study is to answer this research question.
The results are based on evidence that emerged during in-depth interviews conducted with 16 human resources professionals from the world of large-scale retail trade, as well as from the analysis of documents and reports produced by the companies in which the interviewed professionals work.
The findings reveal that the promotion of corporate inclusion is not only aimed at satisfying the need for belongingness and uniqueness. It is also aimed at satisfying two other types of human needs, namely, the human need to share and the human need to be impactful. In addition, the results reveal that HR professionals promote workplace inclusion through six initiatives that can be traced to two main ways in which inclusion is conceived.
Even though there is an extensive number of studies aimed at defining and measuring the construct of workplace inclusion, progress has not been made in understanding how HR professionals promote inclusion. This study covers this literature gap by bringing to light the existence of two main meanings associated by HR professionals to workplace inclusion: extensive inclusiveness and narrow inclusiveness.
Is a critical mass of women always enough to improve firm performance? The importance of the institutional context
In: Corporate governance: international journal of business in society, Band 24, Heft 8, S. 1-21
ISSN: 1758-6054
This paper aims to present a comprehensive theoretical framework that seeks to explore the impact of cultural, legal and social factors within the external environment on the relationship between women on corporate boards and firm performance. By investigating these boundary conditions, the paper aims to shed light on how these pressures influence the aforementioned relationship.
To build the sample of companies, the authors selected companies listed on the stock exchanges of countries that represent a diverse range of institutional contexts. These contexts encompass countries with individualistic cultures, collectivist cultures, environments with mandatory gender quotas, environments without gender quotas, contexts with substantial progress toward gender equality and contexts with limited progress in achieving gender equality. To test the hypotheses, the authors used linear regression analysis as a primary analytical approach. Furthermore, they used the propensity score matching technique to address potential issues of reverse causality and unobserved heterogeneity.
The findings indicate that the positive influence of a critical mass of women on corporate boards on firm performance is contingent upon the institutional context. Specifically, the authors observed that this relationship is strengthened in institutional contexts characterized by an individualistic culture, whereas it is not as pronounced in collectivist cultural contexts. Furthermore, this research provides compelling evidence that the presence of a critical mass of women on boards leads to enhanced firm performance in institutional settings where gender quotas are not binding, as opposed to settings where such quotas are enforced. Lastly, the results demonstrate that the presence of a critical mass of women on boards is associated with improved firm performance in institutional settings characterized by low progress in achieving gender equality. However, the authors did not observe the same effect in institutional contexts that have made significant strides toward gender equality.
This research offers a unique perspective by investigating the relationship between women's presence on corporate boards and firm performance across different institutional contexts. In this investigation, the authors recognize that gender diversity on corporate boards is not a one-size-fits-all solution and that its effects can be shaped by the unique institutional contexts in which companies operate.
La corrispondenza di François Lamy, benedettino cartesiano: regesto con l'edizione delle lettere inedite e rare
In: Le corrispondenze letterarie, scientifiche ed erudite dal rinascimento all'età moderna 10
Interatomic repulsion softness directly controls the fragility of supercooled metallic melts
We present an analytic scheme to connect the fragility and viscoelasticity of metallic glasses to the effective ion-ion interaction in the metal. This is achieved by an approximation of the short-range repulsive part of the interaction, combined with nonaffine lattice dynamics to obtain analytical expressions for the shear modulus, viscosity, and fragility in terms of the ion-ion interaction. By fitting the theoretical model to experimental data, we are able to link the steepness of the interionic repulsion to the Thomas-Fermi screened Coulomb repulsion and to the Born-Mayer valence electron overlap repulsion for various alloys. The result is a simple closed-form expression for the fragility of the supercooled liquid metal in terms of few crucial atomic-scale interaction and anharmonicity parameters. In particular, a linear relationship is found between the fragility and the energy scales of both the screened Coulomb and the electron overlap repulsions. This relationship opens up opportunities to fabricate alloys with tailored thermoelasticity and fragility by rationally tuning the chemical composition of the alloy according to general principles. The analysis presented here brings a new way of looking at the link between the outer shell electronic structure of metals and metalloids and the viscoelasticity and fragility thereof. ; The support of the Technische Universität München Institute for Advanced Study, funded by the German Excellence Initiative and the European Union 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement 291763, is acknowledged. ; This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from PNAS via