Equality and non-discrimination in the EU: the foundations of the EU legal order
In: Elgar studies in European law and policy
10 Ergebnisse
In: Elgar studies in European law and policy
In: Maastricht journal of European and comparative law: MJ, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 455-472
ISSN: 2399-5548
Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are being studied and tested in many countries. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the European Commission have been working on an EU CBDC, the digital euro, since 2020. On 28 June 2023 the European Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation establishing the digital euro. This paper, after contextualizing CBDCs in the wider group of digital currencies, analyses the legal and technical design issues emerging from the legislative initiative of the European Commission and from the ongoing preparatory phase of the ECB. Despite the 'myth' that the introduction of an EU CBDC could have potentially disrupted the way in which traditional banks and financial institutions work, the reality seems that the proposed digital euro is solidly under the control of the ECB. Thus it is crucial, to ensure full ECB accountability, that the EU decision-making institutions, and in particular the Parliament, engage fully in the legislative procedure.
In: BRIDGE Network - Working Paper 6, 2020
Working paper
In: Common Market Law Review, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 300-302
ISSN: 0165-0750
In: University of Milano-Bicocca School of Law Research Paper No. 18-01
Working paper
The definition of the EU as a constitutional legal order is crucial, but still fragmented. For the sake of systematization, it is important to find out a principle to support its development. That is why we made the choice of examining the principle of non discrimination through the analysis of case law, with the object of verifying if this principle is a fundamental part of the EU constitutional identity. In the first part of this work the structure of the discrimination scrutiny in front of the CJEU and of the ECHR is analyzed, enlightening the fact that its structure increasingly recalls that of a constitutional scrutiny. In the second part of this work we will focus on the contribution given by the case law on the fight against different grounds of discrimination to the EU constitutional identity. As there is an increasing number of grounds of discrimination, a choice should be made. That is why the second part of the analysis is devoted into explaining a selection of grounds of discrimination: discrimination on the ground of nationality, age, disability, religion, and sexual orientation. From the analysis of the case law and of secondary legislation is possible to induce that this principle has the potential necessary to support the development of the EU constitutional identity without prevailing on the national constitutional identities. At the same time, the principle could help into shading light in one of the most debated issues of EU law: the tension between the conferred powers and the direct effect of directives. The conclusion of this work is a reflection on how a precise line of case law is crucial into defining the principle of non discrimination as a EU constitutional principle. ; L'objectif de cette recherche est d'évaluer la contribution du principe de non-discrimination à l'identité constitutionnelle de l'Union européenne. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire de clarifier la notion d'identité dont nous parlons. Dans la première section/partie nous analysons la structure des arrêts pour juger sur ...
La definizione dell'ordinamento dell'Unione come ordinamento costituzionale è centrale, ma resta frammentata. Per restituirle sistematicità è importante individuare un principio sul quale poggiarne il consolidamento. Per questo si è scelto di esaminare il principio di non discriminazione attraverso l'analisi della giurisprudenza, con l'obiettivo di verificare se questo principio è parte fondamentale dell'identità costituzionale dell'Unione Europea. Nella prima parte della tesi si analizza la struttura del giudizio sulla discriminazione davanti alla CGUE e davanti alla CEDU, mettendo in evidenza come la struttura ricordi sempre di più quella del giudizio di costituzionalità. Nella seconda parte ci si concentra sul contributo dato dal principio di non discriminazione all'identità costituzionale dell'Unione Europea attraverso la lotta contro specifiche tipologie di discriminazione. Poiché i motivi di discriminazione sono molto numerosi, si è stabilito di esaminare quei motivi che sono regolati dal diritto derivato. Per questo la seconda parte dell'analisi si è concentrata sulle discriminazioni a motivo della nazionalità (dir. 2004/38/CE), della razza (dir. 2000/43/CE), del genere (dir. 2006/54/CE, dir. 2004/113/CE) dell'età, disabilità, religione ed orientamento sessuale (dir. 2000/78/CE). Dall'analisi della giurisprudenza e del diritto derivato che ne dà attuazione è possibile comprendere che questo principio, oltre ad essere sostenuto da un vero e proprio giudizio di legittimità costituzionale (il rinvio pregiudiziale), ha gli strumenti necessari a permetterne lo sviluppo tenendo conto delle identità costituzionali degli stati membri e può aiutare ad offrire delle risposte rispetto a uno dei problemi fondamentali inerenti all'efficacia del diritto dell'Unione Europea: la tensione fra il principio di attribuzione e la dottrina degli effetti diretti. Le conclusioni di questo lavoro portano a sostenere che è possibile individuare una giurisprudenza della Corte che, attraverso alcuni passaggi fondamentali (le sentenze Mangold, Kucukdeveci, Hay, Deckmyn e Zambrano), definisce il principio di non discriminazione come principio fondamentale, e costituzionale, del diritto dell'Unione Europea. ; The definition of the EU as a constitutional legal order is crucial, but still fragmented. For the sake of systematization, it is important to find out a principle to support its development. That is why we made the choice of examining the principle of non discrimination through the analysis of case law, with the object of verifying if this principle is a fundamental part of the EU constitutional identity. In the first part of this work the structure of the discrimination scrutiny in front of the CJEU and of the ECHR is analyzed, enlightening the fact that its structure increasingly recalls that of a constitutional scrutiny. In the second part of this work we will focus on the contribution given by the case law on the fight against different grounds of discrimination to the EU constitutional identity. As there is an increasing number of grounds of discrimination, a choice should be made. That is why the second part of this analysis is devoted into explaining a selection of grounds of discrimination: discrimination on the ground of nationality, age, disability, religion, and sexual orientation. From the analysis of the case law and of secondary legislation is possible to induce that this principle has the potential necessary to support the development of the EU constitutional identity without prevailing on the national constitutional identities. At the same time, the principle could help into shading light in one of the most debated issues of EU law: the tension between the conferred powers and the direct effect of directives. The conclusion of this work is a reflection on how a precise line of case law is crucial into defining the principle of non discrimination as a EU constitutional principle.
In: Brexit Institute Working Paper Series, No 11/2020
Working paper
In: Elgar studies in European law and policy
"This book explores how the architecture of European economic and monetary governance has radically changed over the last decade. It demonstrates the ways in which the micro- and macro-economic constitutions of Europe have reacted to legal measures enacted to counter past economic crisis, together, profoundly modifying the way in which European constitutionalism is understood. Within this innovative book, leading scholars and experts in European economic law discuss the changes and the problems arising for today's Economic Constitution from an interdisciplinary perspective. Analysing both the economic and social aspects of European legal integration and proposing solutions to challenge the current state of affairs, The Metamorphosis of the European Economic Constitution will be of value to academics and practitioners alike"-- Provided by publisher
In: Italian Journal of Public Law, 2018, Vol. 10, Issue 2 (special issue)