What Factors Inform Decisions about Where to Submit High-Quality Scholarship? A National Sample of Social Work Faculty Share Their Perspectives
In: Social work research
ISSN: 1545-6838
Social work journals are essential repositories of the profession's disciplinary knowledge, but some commentators suggest social work faculty may prioritize sending their best work to extradisciplinary journals. This mixed-methods study examined the propensity of faculty to submit their scholarship to disciplinary rather than extradisciplinary periodicals, and the factors or rationales that informed their respective decisions. To conduct this cross-sectional investigation, a national sample of tenure-track faculty (N = 270) affiliated with PhD conferring programs was employed. In addition to computing descriptive analyses, qualitative analysis was used to understand the factors that contribute to the selection of either disciplinary or extradisciplinary outlets. Among the 29% of faculty who prioritized sending their high-quality work to social work periodicals, the key themes that informed the selection process included goodness of fit with a journal's aims and readership; a desire to support social work knowledge; and a journal's impact factor, reputation, and overall publishing speed. For the 70% who prioritized extradisciplinary periodicals, the themes were goodness of fit with a journal's aims and readership, impact factor, reputation, the quality of the reviews, increased rigor, and more extensive indexing. The findings raise important questions about the future of the profession's knowledge base.