Citizenship and Migration: The Case of Japan
In: International Relations and Diplomacy, Band 3, Heft 10
ISSN: 2328-2134
124 Ergebnisse
In: International Relations and Diplomacy, Band 3, Heft 10
ISSN: 2328-2134
In: The Korea-Japan Historical Review, Band 44, S. 3
In: Pacific affairs, Band 72, Heft 1, S. 120-121
ISSN: 0030-851X
Ko reviews 'Day-Shine: Poems by Chong Hyon-jong' translated and introduced by Wolhee Choe and Peter Fusco.
In: Yeon gu bo go seo 2017-48
In: 연구보고서 2017-48
In dieser Arbeit wird Karthagos Außenpolitik von der Mitte des 6. bis Anfang des 3. Jhs. v. Chr. analysiert unter der Fragestellung, wie Karthago als Machtakteur gegenüber den anderen Akteuren in der mediterranen Welt agierte und reagierte und welche Faktoren dabei die jeweiligen Entscheidungen bestimmten. Da das herkömmliche Konzept der communis opinio mit eurozentrischen Vorurteilen und einer starren bipolaren Perspektive behaftet ist, wird mithilfe einer erneuten quellenkritischen Untersuchung in den jüngeren Studien das Quellenmaterial ausgewertet und in Anlehnung an den Konstruktivismus von A. Wendt interpretiert. Als Ergebnis ist festzuhalten, dass sowohl Diplomatie als auch Militäraktionen der Karthager durch variable Machtdynamik und intersubjektive Interaktion einer mediterranen Multipolarität geprägt wurden. Karthago war keine isolationistische "Handelsrepublik", sondern einer von zahlreichen und in durchaus sehr variablen Konstellationen zu verortenden Akteuren der Antike.
In knapp vier Monaten steht die nächste regelmäßige Parlamentswahl in Südkorea bevor. Die konserva-tive People Power Party (PPP) des regierenden Präsidenten Yoon Suk-yeol hofft nach mehrjähriger Durst-strecke, die Mehrheit von der oppositionellen Minju-Partei zurückzugewinnen. Doch auf beiden Seiten regiert Unruhe: Rücktritte, Austritte und Gerüchte über Zusammenschlüsse sowie Neugründungen. Ein großer Teil der Wählerschaft ist noch unentschieden, wem sie am 10. April ihre Stimme geben sollen. Das Rennen bleibt offen.
In: Growth and change: a journal of urban and regional policy, Band 42, Heft 1, S. 48-71
ISSN: 1468-2257
In: Journal of cultural interaction in East Asia, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 57-72
ISSN: 2747-7576
AbstractThis paper focuses on the visual depiction of children venturing into space in China during the late 20th century. I investigate how children are portrayed in Chinese posters and their space exploration themes by comparing them with similar art forms in the Soviet Union and the United States during the 1950s–1980s. Moreover, the study examines how these posters both shaped and reflected the political, social, and gender discourses of the period and served as means of reinforcing the reproductive future while interacting with Chinese historical myths. The study also considers the motivations for including chubby babies in Chinese posters, noting that this primarily resulted from Chinese moral beliefs. By historicizing the meaning-making process behind the "space babies" in Chinese posters, I argue that the depiction of children venturing into space helped in two distinct ways. First, it helped shift traditional immortality ideology into new forms of living and delimit the Chinese's vision of the reproductive future: a desire to create better futures for our children/humanity by participating in politics. Furthermore, these visualizations apply the form of children as citizens to represent the mother country's wishes while reflecting the corresponding Chinese national policy and fear of anthropic population expansion.
In: Korean Journal of Law and Society, Band 58, S. 171-215
In: Xi nan zheng fa da xue xue bao: Journal of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 3-10
In: Machine Learning: Foundations, Methodologies, and Applications
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly gaining significance in the business world. With more and more organizations adopt AI technologies, there is a growing demand for business leaders, managers, and practitioners who can harness AIs potential to improve operations, increase efficiency, and drive innovation. This book aims to help management professionals exploit the predictive powers of AI and demonstrate to AI practitioners how to apply their expertise in fundamental business operations. It showcases how AI technology innovations can enhance various aspects of business management, such as business strategy, finance, and marketing. Readers interested in AI for business management will find several topics of particular interest, including how AI can improve decision-making in business strategy, streamline operational processes, and enhance customer satisfaction. As AI becomes an increasingly important tool in the business world, this book offers valuable insights into how it can be applied to various industries and business settings. Through this book, readers will gain a better understanding of how AI can be applied to improve business management practices and practical guidance on how to implement AI projects in a business context. This book also provides practical guides on how to implement AI projects in a business context using Python programming. By reading this book, readers will be better equipped to make informed decisions about how to leverage AI for business success.
In: Child indicators research: the official journal of the International Society for Child Indicators
ISSN: 1874-8988
In: Journal of family issues, Band 31, Heft 12, S. 1604-1621
ISSN: 1552-5481
This study tested the hypothesized pathways from parents' marital quality to Korean adolescents' school adjustment through the perception of self and parent—child relations. Based on previous literature and two major family theories, the authors hypothesized a path model to explain the process of how parents' marital quality influenced school adjustment through child's self-esteem and parent—child communication. The path model analysis was used with 578 Korean adolescent students in academic high schools. The results showed that Korean youth were likely to better adjust to a school setting as they perceived that their parents had a good marital relationship. The interparental relationship directly affected school adjustment but not psychological adjustment of self-esteem. Additionally, the marital quality of parents had an indirect effect on Korean youth's school adjustment in the mediation process of parent—child communication. Academic and practical implications are also discussed, followed by limitations and future directions.
In: Journal of family history: studies in family, kinship and demography, Band 33, Heft 3, S. 346-356
ISSN: 1552-5473
Chinese, Japanese, and Korean American families in the United States share several similarities, but they should not be interpreted as the sameness. Each group has gone through different immigration trajectories, and family members in a group have had different experiences. To get further knowledge of different family experiences in contemporary U.S. society, the trajectories of the family relationships among different Asian ethnic groups are examined. We specifically look at the time from arrival to World War II, from World War II to the 1960s, and after the 1960s.
In: The Journal of Asian Women, Band 57, Heft 1, S. 103-127