La communication des entreprises sur leurs politiques et pratiques de RSE (Responsabilité Sociétale de l'Entreprise) vise à fonder des représentations de l'entreprise et de ses responsabilités et asseoir la légitimité de leurs dirigeants. L'analyse comparative des rapports RSE publiés par des entreprises chinoises et françaises fait ressortir la diversité des thèmes abordés et les spécificités nationales des enjeux respectifs en termes de communication RSE. Cet article, en s'appuyant sur l'analyse de quatre rapports RSE 2013 d'entreprises chinoises cotées et sur les premiers bilans de l'application en 2013 en France de l'article 225 de la loi « Grenelle 2 » qui a redéfini les informations sociales, environnementales, sociétales et sociétale à publier par les entreprises cotées, a pour objectif de dégager des similitudes et des différences dans la façon de rendre compte du social, du sociétal et de l'environnemental par les entreprises cotées en France et en Chine.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) employs voluntary programs as a policy instrument to encourage firms to go beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations in protecting the environment. Based on event study methodology, this paper tests for abnormal stock market returns from membership in the National Environmental Performance Track (NEPT) program. The analysis shows that there is strong evidence that acceptance of a facility to the NEPT adds significantly to the market capitalization of the accepted firms. Corporate social responsibility can be financially rewarding for firms and voluntary programs of the EPA can be an effective complement to performance‐based regulatory instruments. (JEL G14, Q58)
This paper explores the impact of joining centralized drug procurement of China on the profitability of medical enterprises by the difference-in-difference (DID) model. When centralized procurement cannot bring enough cost savings to enterprises, the price competition caused by centralized procurement will lead to the decline of enterprise profits. In the short term, the negative impact of China's drug centralized procurement policy on the net profit of enterprises is not obvious in the year when enterprises win the bid. After the government officially purchases from pharmaceutical enterprises, the negative impact of the drug centralized procurement policy of China on the net profit of enterprises begins to appear gradually. Therefore, the generic drug manufacturers increase R&D investment and have their own heavy products of original drugs as soon as possible to enhance their core competitiveness.