98 Ergebnisse
Board gender diversity and investment inefficiency
In: Journal of economics and business, Band 124, S. 106107
ISSN: 0148-6195
Duopoly with Limited Rationality in Carbon Market: A Comparison of Carbon Quota Trading and Carbon Tax System
In: JEMA-D-23-02328
Exploring policy innovation and the diffusion of the Bookstart programme in Taiwan: an information-based approach
In: Journal of Asian public policy, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 140-153
ISSN: 1751-6242
Transliterated title not available
In: Tai wan min zhu ji kan: Taiwan democracy quarterly, Band 10, Heft 2, S. 1-38
ISSN: 1726-9350
Microblogging for Strengthening a Virtual Learning Community in an Online Course
This paper examines how a microblogging tool (i.e., Twitter) can be effectively used to strengthen a virtual learning community (VLC) in the two sections of a fully online graduate course. Students in this course were consisted of K-12 teachers, school technology specialists, corporate trainers, and military personnel. The microblogging activities were designed to allow quick peer interaction to build the momentum of social learning in the VLC. In this study, we collected quantitative data on sense of community through a Likert scale survey, and rich qualitative data on students' perception about microblogging activities. It was found that students' sense of community was generally high and students were positive about their microblogging experiences. In addition, microblogging was found to be useful and valuable in sustaining students' learning by doing such as sharing real-world design examples, critiquing design examples with technical knowledge learned in class, and quick and short commenting with peer support in a VLC. Based on the findings, the authors aim to provide design suggestions for educators and instructional designers to incorporate this social web tool in strengthening virtual learning communities in a meaningful and engaging way.
Les relations CEE-Chine, entre 1978 et 1985
In: Bulletin de l'Institut Pierre Renouvin, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 71-85
What's in a Name? The Nationalisation of Traditional Opera in Taiwan
In: Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 89-104
From Taiwanisation to De-sinification: Culture Construction in Taiwan since the 1990s
In: China perspectives, Band 2004, Heft 6
ISSN: 1996-4617
Transformation! Innovation? Perspectives on Taiwan Culture. Edited by Christina Neder and Ines Susanne Schilling. [Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003. 235 pp. €58,00. ISBN 3-447-04791-7.]
In: The China quarterly, Band 179, S. 835-837
ISSN: 1468-2648
Taiwan studies in Europe are still underdeveloped and have largely concentrated on political issues rather than culture. Transformation! – Innovation? Taiwan in her Cultural Dimensions addresses this critical absence. It is a collection of 14 papers, compiled after an international workshop held at Ruhr University in 2001. This volume not only analyses literary and artistic expression, but also explores the drastic cultural change that has taken place since the lifting of martial law in 1987. The democratization of Taiwanese society in the 1990s led the old China-centric ideology and cultural hegemony that had dominated Taiwan under Kuomintang (KMT) rule to be overturned within a few years. Rather than focusing on political reform, this book concentrates on cultural issues, such as the rise of indigenous literature, the changing status of traditional arts, and the impact of cultural policy during this period.
Transformation! Innovation? Perspectives on Taiwan Culture. Edited by CHRISTINA NEDER and INES SUSANNE SCHILLING. (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2003. 235 pp. #836458,00. ISBN 3-447-04791-7.)
In: The China quarterly: an international journal for the study of China, Heft 179, S. 835-836
ISSN: 0305-7410, 0009-4439
In: The developing economies: the journal of the Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 35-62
ISSN: 1746-1049
A quantitative analysis is made herein of the Taiwanese farmhousehold economy in 1931, 1937, 1941, and 1950. The results reveal (1) farm expenditure and income for all types of farmers in 1950 were less than in 1931, the only year for which comparable figures are available; (2) in 1950 both the consumption expenses for most farmers and Engel's Coefficient for all types of farmers showed inferior conditions for that year as compared to the earlier periods; (3) secondary living expenses in 1950 only amounted to two‐thirds of those in the previous periods; (4) the poor situation in 1950 was caused by the decline of the rice price ratio and of cultivated area, which combined to offset the benefits derived from rent reduction for tenants, and (5) food expenses for all the periods, however, maintained a per capita annual level of 48–49 yen at the 1937 value.