Amber Alerts
In: Children's Issues, Laws and Programs
Intro -- AMBER ALERTS: BEST PRACTICES AND PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY -- AMBER ALERTS: BEST PRACTICES AND PROGRAM TECHNOLOGY -- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1: AMBER ALERT BEST PRACTICES -- FOREWORD -- INTRODUCTION -- 1. OVERVIEW OF EXISTING RESEARCH -- Case Management for Missing Children Homicide Investigation -- National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children -- 2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMBER ALERT NETWORK -- The PROTECT Act -- Components of a Comprehensive Child Recovery Strategy -- Stakeholders and Partners -- AMBER Alert Criteria for Missing and Abducted Children -- 3. THE ROLE OF LAW ENFORCEMENT -- Call Takers -- Initial Response -- Preliminary Investigation -- Entry into the National Crime Information Center Database -- Criteria for Adding Persons with Information -- Dissemination of the Alert to the Public -- Posters -- Web Sites -- Social Media -- Operating and Staffing Phone Banks -- Child Abduction Response Teams -- Search and Recovery Efforts -- Use of Volunteers during the Search -- Types of Volunteers -- Managing Volunteers -- The Family Perspective -- 4. PARTNERSHIP WITH THE MEDIA -- Verification of Information -- Message Content -- Sensitivity to the Audience -- Message Frequency -- Other Considerations -- 5. THE ROLE OF A PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER -- CHOOSING A PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER -- Placement of the Public Information Officer within the Incident Management System -- Duties of a Public Information Officer -- Organizing Media Briefings -- Ensuring the Message Is Received -- Controlling the Spread of Rumors -- The PIO's Role in the Deactivation Phase -- 6. EFFECTIVE MESSAGING STRATEGIES -- Process and Operations -- Message Content -- Message Readability -- Message Construction -- Policies and Practices