MENA trade and investment in the new economy: the Fourth Mediterranean Development Forum MDF4
In: An Economic Research Forum Edition
Srinivasan, T. G.: Globalization and MENA. A long term perspective. - S. 17-34. Page, John; Van Gelder, Linda: Globalization, growth, and poverty reduction in the Middle East and North Africa, 1970-1999. - S. 35-75. Devlin, Julia; Yee, Peter: Global links to regional networks. Trade logistics in MENA countries. - S. 77-122. The post-Doha Agenda. Issues and implications for the MENA region. / Dipak Dasgupta ... - S. 125-170. Laird, Sam: Doha: does the DDA reverse the ADD? - S. 171-192. Safadi, Raed: Building trade capacity: the broader agenda. - S. 193-205. Mashayekhi, Mina: Audiovisual services issues for the MENA region. - S. 209-256. Medhora, Rohinton; Fanelli, José María: The emerging international financial architecture and its implications for domestic financial architecture. - S. 257-295