Introduction: Establishing Legal Domain -- The Lure of Bureaucracy: British Administration of Islamic Law in the Straits Settlements -- Surat Kuasa: Powers of Attorney Across the Indian Ocean -- Resident Aliens: Exclusions of Arabs in the Netherlands Indies -- Legal Incompetence: Jurisdictional Complications in the Netherlands Indies -- Constructing the Index of Arabs: Colonial Imaginaries in Southeast Asia -- The Limitations of Diasporic Religious Trusts.
Bab 1, Mengenali buli -- Bab 2, Faktor yang mempengaruhi buli -- Bab 3, Kesan perlakuan buli -- Bab 4, Beberapa perspektif tentang perlakuan buli -- Bab 5, Intervensi dan pencegahan buli -- Bab 6, Perlakuan buli dalam kalangan pelajar dan isu keselamatan di sekolah -- Bab 7, Kaedah menilai perlakuan buli di sekolah -- Bab 8, Gengsterisme -- Bab 9, Ciri, aktiviti, dan intervensi gengsterisme
Als Lehrbuch für Studenten von "Agricultural Engineering" in Nigeria gedacht, gibt das Buch einen detaillierten Überblick über die Charakteristika, Anforderungen und Funktionen eines landwirtschaftliches Betriebes. Der Autor erklärt, welche Konstruktionsmaterialien in welcher Lage angemessen sind und welche Kriterien beim Aufbau eines Betriebes in welcher Lage beachtet werden sollten. (DÜI-Sbd)
Der Band umfasst wichtige Fälle und Entscheidungen der obersten Gerichte, Berufungsgerichte und Sharia-Gerichte aus den nördlichen Bundesstaaten Nigerias von 1961-1989. Eine große Spannweite von Rechtsfeldern wird abgedeckt, darunter Landstreitigkeiten, Eherechtsverfahren, Erbschaftsverfahren und der Zeugenstatus. (DÜI-Sbd)
Located at the intersection of four regions, the Middle East, East Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia, Afghanistan is a country whose legal history is sure to be diverse and exciting at the confluence of multiple legal currents. In the book Afghanistan Rising: Islamic Law and Statecraft between the Ottoman and British Empires, Faiz Ahmed shows how Afghanistan could be regarded as a pivot for Islamic intellectual currents from the late nineteenth century onward, especially between the Ottoman Empire and South Asia. Afghanistan Rising makes us aware of our own assumptions of the study of Islamic law that has been artificially carved out during the rise of area studies, including Islamic studies. Ahmed provides a good paradigm for a legal history of a country that was attentive to foreign influences without being overwhelmed by them. While pan-Islamism is often portrayed as a defensive ideology that developed in the closing decades of the nineteenth century in reaction to high colonialism, the plotting of Afghanistan's juridical Pan-Islam in Ahmed's book is a robust and powerful maneuver out of this well-trodden path, as the country escaped being "landlocked" mainly by cultivating regional connections in law.
Although political culture as a framework for analysis revolves around and implies a trivialization of political economy, the focus here is to evaluate it as a complex whole in a bid to regurgitate the supposed interplay between culture and institutions. Contrary to conventional knowledge the study upon reviewing relevant theoretical and parochial literature is of the views that no individual or society was birthed with democratic or non-democratic culture. Further claiming such values are inculcated over time conditioned by certain socializing agents in a given society. However, on the viability of liberal democracy in non-Western societies, it opines attempt to replicate with little or no efforts at domestication has affected the probability of liberal democracy to bring about certain predetermined outcomes. Against this; the research is of the views that governments or its institutions should not be imposed; rather it should embody the collective shared and adhered values cum beliefs and prevailing norms in a society. Alternatively, in ethnic heterogeneous societies such as Africa, it could be arrived at by consciously ingraining and teaching values such as tolerance, moderation, efficacy, and amongst others participatory orientation which is thought to be conducive for democracy. The single most important aspect for this study remains its clamor for domestication as opposed to the current system of copy and paste.