Regional diversification of investment potential of local government units
In: Wiadomości statystyczne / Glówny Urza̜d Statystyczny, Polskie Towarzystwo Statystyczne: czasopismo Głównego Urze̜du Statystycznego i Polskiego Towarzystwa = The Polish statistician, Band 64, Heft 4, S. 68-84
ISSN: 2543-8476
Local government units (LGUs) in Poland are responsible for the implementation of a wide range of public tasks, which should be carried out in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity at lower management levels. This requires LGUs to incur not only current expenditure for the implementation of various tasks, but also investment expenditure —to provide wider access to infrastructure elementsfor local development. The opportunities for finding funds for development activities (identified with investment) are called investment potential in the subject literature.The aim of the paper is to present spetial differences in investment potential of LGUs in Polanddetermined by operating surplus. In the first part, it presents theoretical issues regarding the investment potential of local government units and the measurement meth-ods. The second one is devoted to the analysis of empirical data for the period 2007—2016 provided by Statistics Poland and Ministry of Finance.According to the study, the level of investment potential diversification both in absolute values and per capita is high, although it has decreased in recent years. The greatest variation is observed among gminas. It is worth noting that investment potential hasa fundamental impact on the volume of investment expenditure incurred by local government, which is confirmed by the results of correlation analysis.