53 Ergebnisse
Die Effektenmarktaufsicht in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft: Bericht über eine rechtsvergleichende Studie
In: Reihe Wettbewerb - Rechtsangleichung / Studien
World Affairs Online
CSDs and the Reform of the Settlement Process
Related Party Transactions Under the New Belgian Company Law
Working paper
Systemic Risk after Brexit: Transitional Measures for the Financial Markets
In: European company and financial law review: ECFR, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 415-433
ISSN: 1613-2556
Book review: Europees financieel toezicht: Bevoegdheden in het Europees financieel toezicht, by Emanuel J. van Praag. (Den Haag: Boom, 2017)
In: Common Market Law Review, Band 56, Heft 2, S. 595-597
ISSN: 0165-0750
Financial Regulation: Its Objectives and Their Implementation in the European Union
In: European Banking Institute Working Paper Series 2019 – no. 36
Working paper
Brexit and the Provision of Financial Services into the EU and into the UK
In: European company and financial law review: ECFR, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 732-771
ISSN: 1613-2556
Brexit is likely to lead to the relocation of UK financial services firms to the EU in order to be able to access EU markets, mainly through the EU passport. The same applies to the EU firms intending to be active on the UK markets. The access conditions to the EU markets are numerous and complex, laid down in EU and national legislation and regulation, and applied by the national supervisory authorities. The European Supervisory Authorities or "ESAs" have published elaborate statements, called Opinions, on the detailed access conditions and the way they intend to apply these. The two main objectives are the full application of EU law, and the avoidance of authorizing EU firms that would be "empty boxes" for activity that would in fact be exercised in the UK, and this mainly by delegating activities to another firm. Underlying is a policy of competition between national economies for relocations of EU firms, or of business activities to be developed on the UK financial markets.
Brexit and the Provision of Financial Services into the EU and into the UK
In: European Banking Institute Working Paper Series 2018 - no. 19
Working paper
Brexit and the Equivalence of Regulation and Supervision
In: European Banking Institute Working Paper Series 2017 - no. 15
Working paper
Working paper
European Financial Regulation: How to Make It More Workable
Working paper