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134 Ergebnisse
"What are the causes of inequality in capitalist society? In Understanding Class, leading left sociologist Erik Olin Wright returns to the fundamental concept underlying this question, and interrogates the different theories and paradigms that have arisen for understanding it. Beginning with class analysis in Marx and Weber, proceeding through the writings of Charles Tilly and others, and finally examining how class struggle and class compromise play out in contemporary society, Understanding Class provides a complex but compelling view of how to think through inequality"--
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In: Studies in Marxism and social theory
This textbook provides students with a lively and penetrating exploration of the concept of class and its relevance for understanding a wide range of issues in contemporary society. Erik Olin Wright treats class as a common explanatory factor and examines three broad themes: class structure, class and gender, and class consciousness. Specific empirical studies include such diverse topics as class variations in the gender division of labour in housework; friendship networks across class boundaries; the American class structure since 1960; and cross-national variations in class consciousness. The author evaluates these studies in the light of expectations within the Marxist tradition of class analysis. This Student Edition of Class Counts thus combines Wright's sophisticated account of central and enduring questions in social theory with practical analyses of detailed social problems
In: Studies in Marxism and social theory
In: Institute for Research on Poverty monograph series
In: Mouvements: des idées et des luttes, Band 100, Heft 4, S. 71-81
ISSN: 1776-2995
Auteur de très nombreux travaux sur les rapports de classe durant plus de quatre décennies, Erik Olin Wright (1947-2019) a renouvelé l'approche marxiste. Il a notamment cherché à prendre au sérieux les effets des transformations du capitalisme sur les structures de classe, en particulier la croissance des positions intermédiaires entre propriétaires capitalistes et travailleur·ses exploité·es, associées à des postes d'encadrement et à des fonctions d'expertise. Son œuvre reste mal connue en France – malgré l'écho rencontré par la traduction de son dernier ouvrage consacré aux « utopies réelles », qui propose des réponses au problème de la stratégie de transformation sociale 2 . La traduction par Ugo Palheta de Class Counts aux Éditions Amsterdam, annoncée pour 2020, devrait changer la donne. Elles nous font l'honneur de publier ici un extrait de l'introduction.
In: Politics & society, Band 47, Heft 2, S. 147-147
ISSN: 1552-7514
In: Telos: critical theory of the contemporary, Band 2019, Heft 186, S. 139-148
ISSN: 1940-459X
In: Sociolohija: teorija, metody, marketynh, Heft 1, S. 9-31
ISSN: 2663-5143
The author lays out the distinctive features of a neo-Marxist class approach used in present-day sociology. First, he clarifies what exactly constitutes the fundamental point of class analysis within the Marxist framework and what it tries to accomplish. This work also provides a description of similarities and differences between the Weberian and Marxist traditions with regard to the conceptual components and pivotal explanatory ambitions. The distinctive hallmark of the Marxian approach is that it defines the concept of social class in terms of exploitation. In Wright's view, the theoretical pay-off of elaborating the Marxian-inspired conception of class, which is based on social relations of production on the one hand and exploitation and domination on the other, is that this conception infuses class analysis with moral critique. Such an analysis can function not simply as part of a scientific theory of interests and conflicts, but also as a constituent of an emancipatory theory offering alternatives to capitalism on the basis of social justice.
In: Politics & society, Band 46, Heft 3, S. 331-335
ISSN: 1552-7514
The author makes the case for sortition from a Marxist perspective, explaining how sortition could become part of an anticapitalist political strategy.
In: Revista brasileira de ciência política, Heft 17, S. 121-163
ISSN: 2178-4884
No texto, que é o capítulo introdutório do livro Class counts, Wright defende a relevância da análise de classes para o entendimento da sociedade e da política contemporâneas. Ainda que a variável "classe" não explique sozinha todos os fenômenos sociais, nem mesmo seja parte das explicações de todos, ela é significativa em uma grande variedade deles. Portanto, deve ser sistematicamente explorada nas investigações da sociologia e da política. Wright afirma também a superioridade da leitura marxista das classes sociais, capaz de abranger mais facetas do que a weberiana. E, por fim, defende que tal análise deve ter como ponto de partida um entendimento da estrutura de classes, não simplesmente de seus conflitos. Para o desenho desta estrutura, importam a propriedade dos meios de produção, mas também o controle de especializações e de autoridade nas relações de trabalho.