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Book(print)#220092 versions available

Bridging the early modern Atlantic world: people, products, and practices on the move

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Open Access#52022

Between Resistance and Adaptation: Indigenous Peoples and the Colonization of the Chocó, 1510­ 1753


Open Access#62022

Resistance and Rebellion on the Spanish Frontier: Native Responses to Colonization in the Colombian Chocó


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Open Access#82016

From One Young Woman to Two Old Women: How Cultural Continuity Is Illustrated Through Athabascan Values


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Article(electronic)#11March 23, 2007

Adaptation and Appropriation on the Colonial Frontier: Indigenous Leadership in the Colombian Chocó, 1670–1808

In: Bulletin of Latin American research: the journal of the Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS), Volume 26, Issue 2, p. 181-199

ISSN: 1470-9856

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