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18 Ergebnisse
In: Development and change, Band 30, Heft 4, S. 825-849
ISSN: 1467-7660
Land tenure and food security have each been the subject of extensive—but generally separate—research in the past. Links between the two issues are now receiving increased attention, yet critical links between them remain unexplored. After a brief review of the two concepts, this article combines both issues within a dynamic framework that recognizes not just the conventional link between access to land and access to food in the short run, but also the recursive link between access to food and the ability to maintain sufficient resources to meet long‐run needs. Such a framework makes explicit the trade‐offs that poor households may face in bad years between consumption and investment in non‐labour assets. Perhaps less intuitively, it also suggests that the need for self‐insurance may force poor households to choose less efficient crops or production strategies than wealthier households even in good years. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of these results for equity, efficiency, research, and policy.
Global food production has more than doubled over the past 40 years, growing faster than population, and will likely keep pace in the 21st century. Yet today one-eighth of the world's people lack secure access to the food they need to live active and healthy lives. This volume describes how together innovative technologies and sound policies can help close the global food gap -- the gap between demand for and supply of food. Although markets will continue to supply sufficient food to those with money to spend, getting food to the poor will require that government policies and investments supplement the operation of markets in three critical areas: protecting the natural resources on which agriculture depends; focusing the benefits of agricultural research, including biotechnology, on the needs of small farmers in developing countries; and ensuring that access to food, resources, and income-generating opportunities is equitable and secure. Contributors to this book show how soil degradation, biotechnology, and other resources and technologies might affect the future supply of food, as well as how poverty, conflict, and gender roles might affect demand. They also consider the roles that institutions must play in meeting the challenge of global hunger. Finally, they outline the policy priorities required to achieve a food-secure world in the 21st century. ; PR ; IFPRI1; 2020 ; DGO
Land and farm resources -- Water and wetland resources -- Knowledge resources and productivity -- Agricultural production management -- Conservation and environmental policies
In: Review of agricultural economics: RAE, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 506-516
ISSN: 1467-9353
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 15, Heft 3, S. 203-215
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Contemporary economic policy: a journal of Western Economic Association International, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 35-43
ISSN: 1465-7287
As property rights concerns grow along with budget pressures, government agencies charged with balancing resource policy objectives need to consider institutional alternatives to regulation and land purchase. This paper examines how public agencies participate in markets for partial interests in public and private land as a means of influencing resource use and conservation. The paper also reviews the application of real option theory to the valuation of conservation easements and considers potential extensions to other partial interests.
In: Government Policy and Farmland Markets, S. 319-341
In: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Band 82, Heft 4, S. 993-1005
In: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Band 20, Heft 2, S. 390-405
ISSN: 2040-5804
AbstractWetland protection is an issue of ongoing debate. Although it is widely agreed that wetland loss to agriculture has been declining in recent decades, the role of policy remains contentious. We analyze the effect of changes in wetland delineation rules that were proposed but rejected by Congress during the 1996 farm bill debate. Our research combines detailed, site‐specific information on wetlands with a broader model of the agricultural economy. Using site‐specific data, we analyze the potential agricultural profitability of a representative sample of actual wetlands. We estimate wetland acreage that would have been exempted from swampbuster and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act under the proposed delineation changes, the acreage of exempted wetland that could be profitably converted to crop production, and the associated commodity price, crop acreage, and farm income effects. We find that up to 82.7 million wetland acres would be exempted under the proposed delineation changes, of which as many as 12 million acres could be profitably converted to crop production. This conversion would have a dampening effect on commodity price and farm income. We conclude that (a accurately estimating the effect of resource policy depends critically on detailed information on resource quality and (b) commodity price and farm income effects imply that all agriculture producers—not only those who could expand cropland acreage through wetland drainage—have a stake in wetland policy.
Working paper
In: IFPRI Discussion Paper 1586
In: GFS-D-23-00192
In: Annual Review of Environment and Resources, Band 43, S. 545-570