Torture Survivors in Asylum – Ignoring the Obvious
In: Geopolitics, S. 1-26
ISSN: 1557-3028
16 Ergebnisse
In: Geopolitics, S. 1-26
ISSN: 1557-3028
In: Critical studies on terrorism, Band 13, Heft 3, S. 373-395
ISSN: 1753-9161
In: Conflict and society: advances in research, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 58-73
ISSN: 2164-4551
This article takes the expressions of moral outrage in an illegal demonstration in Norway as a point of entry to explore how the political unfolds in Kurdish diasporic spaces. The premise for this analysis is that moral outrage among pro-Kurdish activists is an enduring, intergenerational process, the expression of which displays a multitemporality and multidirectionality. In order to explore the many layers of moral outrage this article proposes an analysis along the literature of political ritual and performance, which focuses on signification, symbolism, identity constructions, and the importance of audiences. I argue that Kurdish activists consciously perform their moral outrage to position themselves in relation to their host country, other Kurdish activists in Norway, and the larger transnational Kurdish community in Europe. As such, moral outrage turns out to be central in the enactment of Kurdish diaspora politics.
In: New perspectives on Turkey: NPT, Band 42, S. 55-76
ISSN: 1305-3299
AbstractThis article calls for a critical scholarly engagement with women's participation in the Kurdish movement. Since the 1980s, women have appropriated the political sphere in different gender roles, and their activism is mostly seen as a way of empowerment and emancipation. Albeit legitimate, such a claim often fails to account for the social and political control mechanisms inherent in the new political gender roles. This article presents the life stories of four Kurdish women. Although politically active, these women do not necessarily define themselves through their political activity. Thus they do not present their life story according to the party line, but dwell on the different social and political expectations, state violence and the contradicting role models with whom they have to deal on a daily basis. Therefore, the status associated with their roles, especially those of the "new" and emancipated woman, does not necessarily represent their own experiences and subjectivities. Women who openly criticize the social and political constraints by transgressing the boundaries of accepted conduct face social as well as political sanctions.
In: New Perspectives on Turkey, Heft 42, S. 55-76
In: Forum for development studies: journal of Norwegian Institute of International Affairs and Norwegian Association for Development, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 347-351
ISSN: 1891-1765
In: Forum for development studies, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 347-352
ISSN: 0803-9410
In: Nordisk välfärdsforskning: Nordic welfare research, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 192-203
ISSN: 2464-4161
In: Stat & styring, Band 29, Heft 4, S. 36-40
ISSN: 0809-750X
In: Kurdish studies: the international journal of Kurdish studies, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 5-30
ISSN: 2051-4891
In this introductory article to the special issue Women and War in Kurdistan, we connect our topic to feminist theory, to anthropological theory on war and conflict and their long-term consequences, and to theory on gender, nation and (visual) representation. We investigate Kurdish women's victimisation and marginalisation, but also their resistance and agency as female combatants and women activists, their portrayal by media and scholars, and their self-representation. We offer herewith a critical perspective on militarisation, women's liberation, and women's experiences in times of war and peace. We also introduce the five articles in this issue and discuss how they contribute to the study of women and war in two main areas: the wide-reaching effects of war on women's lives, and the gendered representation and images of war in Kurdistan. ABSTRACT IN KURMANJIBîrdoza jin û şer li Kurdistanê. Perspektîveke femînîst û rexnegirîDi vê nivîsara danasîner a hejmara taybet a li ser Jin û Şer li Kurdistanê de, em mijarê behsê bi bîrdoza femînîst, bîrdoza mirovnasiyê ya şer û pevçûnan û encamên wan yên demdirêj, û bîrdoza zayend, netewe û nîşane (ya ditinî) ve girêdidin. Em li ser vederkirin û mexdûrkirina jinên kurd lêkolînê dikin, her wekî meseleya berxwedan û îradeya şervanên jin û çalakvanên mafên jinan, û pirsên ku çawa medya û lêkolîner qala wan dikin û çawa ew jî xwe didin nîşan. Em her weha perspektîveke li ser leşkerîkirin, azadkirina jinan û tecrubeyên jinan di heyamên şer û aştiyê de pêşberî xwendevanan dikin. Di ber re, em danasîna her pênc nivîsarên vê hejmarê jî dikin û girîngiya wan a ji bo lêkolînên jin û şerî di du warên sereke de guftûgo dikin: encamên berfireh yên şer li ser jiyana jinan, û nîşane û dimenên zayendî yên şer li Kurdistanê. ABSTRACT IN SORANIBe Tiyorîkirdinî rewşî jinan û ceng le Kurdistan: Goşenîgayekî fêmînîstî w rexnegiraneLem çend wutare da, ke melefêkî taybete be jinan û ceng le Kurdistan, hewlman dawe ke kogîrîyek bikeyn le ruwangey fêmînîstî w tiyorîy antropolojî leser ceng û milmilanê w akame dirêjxayenekanyan le layek û herweha tiyorîy regez, netewe w têruwanînî nwênerêtîkirdin le layekî dîke. Ême xwêndineweman kirdûwe bo kêşey bequrbanîbûn û perawêzxistinî jinan. Le heman kat da mijarî berxodan û xorêxistinî jinan wek cengawer û çalakanî mafî jinan û wêney ewan le rageyandin û lenêw lêkolînewe zanistiyekan û têruwanînî xoşyan da. Ême herweha têruwanînî rexnegiraneman leser mijarî çekdarî, azadîy jinan û ezmûnî jinan le katî ceng û aştî da xistote rû. Lem melefe taybete da, pênc wutarman pêşkêş kirdûwe w eweman nîşan dawe keçon le dû layenî giringewe tîşk xirawete ser mijareke: karîgerîy firawanî ceng le ser jiyanî jinan, herweha nuwandin û wêney regezî jinan le ceng le Kurdistan da.
In: Begikhani , N , Hamelink , W & Weiss , N 2018 , ' Theorising women and war in Kurdistan : A feminist and critical perspective ' , Kurdish Studies , vol. 6 , no. 1 , 1 , pp. 5-30 .
In this introductory article to the special issue Women and War in Kurdistan, we connect our topic to feminist theory, to anthropological theory on war and conflict and their long-term consequences, and to theory on gender, nation and (visual) representation. We investigate Kurdish women's victimisation and marginalisation, but also their resistance and agency as female combatants and women activists, their portrayal by media and scholars, and their self-representation. We offer herewith a critical perspective on militarisation, women's liberation, and women's experiences in times of war and peace. We also introduce the five articles in this issue and discuss how they contribute to the study of women and war in two main areas: the wide-reaching effects of war on women's lives, and the gendered representation and images of war in Kurdistan.
In: Routledge studies in fieldwork and ethnographic research
This book focuses on the emotional hazards of conducting fieldwork about or within contexts of violence and provides a forum for field-based researchers to tell their stories. Increasingly novice and seasoned ethnographers alike, whether by choice or chance, are working in situations where multidimensional forms of violence, conflict and war are facets of everyday life. The volume engages with the methodological and ethical issues involved and features a range of expressive writings that reveal personal consequences and dilemmas. The contributors use their emotions, their scars, outrage and sadness alongside their hopes and resilience to give voice to that which is often silenced, to make visible the entanglements of fieldwork and its lingering vulnerabilities. The book brings to the fore the lived experiences of researchers and their interlocutors alike with the hope of fostering communities of care.
In: Routledge studies in fieldwork and ethnographic research
In: Conflict and society: advances in research, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 1-8
ISSN: 2164-4551
Moral outrage has until now been conceptualized as a call to action, a reaction to injustice and transgressions, and a forceful motor for democratic participation, acts of civil disobedience, and violent and illicit action. This introduction goes beyond linear causality between trigger events, political emotions, and actions to explore moral outrage as it is experienced and expressed in contexts of political violence, providing a better understanding of that emotion's generic power. Moral outrage is here understood as a multidimensional emotion that may occur momentarily and instantly, and exist as an enduring process and being-in-the-world, based on intergenerational experiences of violence, state histories, or local contexts of fear and anxiety. Because it appears in the intersubjective field, moral outrage is central for identity politics and social positioning, so we show how moral outrage may be a prism to investigate and understand social processes such as mobilization, collectivities, moral positioning and responsiveness, and political violence.