Postmortem Minimally Invasive Autopsy in Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients at the Bedside: A Proof-of-Concept Study at the Icu
In: HELIYON-D-23-14783
3 Ergebnisse
In: HELIYON-D-23-14783
NTRK-Genfusionen sind seltene genetische Alterationen, die tumorentitätenübergreifend vorkommen können. Während sie in den meisten soliden Tumoren nur sehr niederfrequent vorkommen, lassen sie sich in bestimmten Tumoren wie dem infantilen Fibrosarkom, dem kongenitalen mesoblastischen Nephrom und dem sekretorischen Mamma- oder Speicheldrüsenkarzinom jedoch häufig nachweisen. NTRK-Genfusionen bzw. TRK-Fusionsproteine gelten als starke onkogene Treiber. Bei Nachweis von NTRK-Genfusionen können TRK-Inhibitoren unabhängig von der Tumorentität eingesetzt werden. Vertreter sind Entrectinib und Larotrectinib. Bislang ist nur Larotrectinib in der Europäischen Union zugelassen. Für beide wurden Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit in Phase-I- und Phase-II-Studien gezeigt. Die Seltenheit der TRK-Fusionstumoren stellt diagnostische und klinische Prozesse vor große Herausforderungen: Einerseits sollen alle Patienten mit TRK-Fusionstumoren identifiziert werden, andererseits sind epidemiologische und histologische Aspekte sowie Ressourcen zu berücksichtigen. Basierend auf diesen Punkten möchten wir einen Diagnosealgorithmus für TRK-Fusionstumoren vorschlagen, außerdem stellen wir aktuelle Daten zu den TRK-Inhibitoren vor. ; NTRK gene fusions are sporadic genetic alterations that can occur across tumor entities. Whereas they are quite rare in most solid tumors they are present at much higher frequencies in certain rare tumors such as infantile fibrosarcoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma, secretory breast, or salivary gland carcinoma. NTRK gene fusions or TRK fusion proteins are considered strong oncogenic drivers. If NTRK gene fusions are detected, TRK inhibitors such as entrectinib and larotrectinib can be used regardless of the tumor entity. So far only larotrectinib is approved in the European Union. Both drugs have been shown to be effective and well tolerated in phase I and phase II studies. The low prevalence of TRK fusion-positive cancers poses challenges for diagnostic and clinical work-flows. On one hand, patients with NTRK gene fusions should be identified; on the other hand, epidemiological, histological, and resource-related aspects have to be taken into account. Based on these premises, we suggest a diagnostic algorithm for TRK fusion cancers and present current data on TRK inhibitors.
NTRK gene fusions are sporadic genetic alterations that can occur across tumor entities. Whereas they are quite rare in most solid tumors they are present at much higher frequencies in certain rare tumors such as infantile fibrosarcoma, congenital mesoblastic nephroma, secretory breast, or salivary gland carcinoma. NTRK gene fusions or TRK fusion proteins are considered strong oncogenic drivers. If NTRK gene fusions are detected, TRK inhibitors such as entrectinib and larotrectinib can be used regardless of the tumor entity. So far only larotrectinib is approved in the European Union. Both drugs have been shown to be effective and well tolerated in phase I and phase II studies. The low prevalence of TRK fusion-positive cancers poses challenges for diagnostic and clinical work-flows. On one hand, patients with NTRK gene fusions should be identified; on the other hand, epidemiological, histological, and resource-related aspects have to be taken into account. Based on these premises, we suggest a diagnostic algorithm for TRK fusion cancers and present current data on TRK inhibitors.