Due to its negative health effects, noise policy has been developed in the Netherlands during the last four decades, aimed at preventing and reducing noise by road and railway traffic, industry and aviation. Academic literature illustrated that significant changes have occurred in many sectoral environmental policy domains, frequently known as a shift from ' government' to 'governance'. Examples include decentralisation, integration into other policy sectors, and implementation of policy instruments involving private sectors. Such interactive and deliberative approaches seem to be absent in the Dutch noise policy domain, that is characterised as a combination of centralised and decentralised governance styles. In addition, noise pollution has still not been resolved despite having Dutch and international noise policy in place since many decades. The percentage of annoyed population remained at the level of the 1980s. The consequent questions arise as to whether the observations of limited dynamics and limited effectiveness are correct, and if so, how to explain these. In this meta-analysis of Dutch noise policy different theoretical perspectives and analytical frameworks from academic policy analysis literature is employed. Based on the governance literature (e.g. Lange et al., Hysing) the main factors for the identification and description of governance modes are selected. Subsequently (the differences in) dynamics in noise policy subsystems for (road and railway) traffic, aircraft and industrial noise are further analysed regarding regulative noise limits, using the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) of Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith. Integration of noise policy into spatial planning, as a specific governance approach, is studied using concepts of Environmental Policy Integration theory (e.g. Jordan, Nilsson, Persson). The main findings of this research underline the preliminary observations on limited dynamics in the Dutch noise policy domain during the last 40 years. No evidence was found of shifts towards ...
Abstract. To place high precision geotechnical sensors exactly at the boundaries between blocks with different directions and rates of movement in a sliding area, it is important to detect these boundaries in a preceding step. An automated algorithm for the block detection based on fuzzy systems is presented. Combining objective geodetic indicators with fuzzy systems gives a powerful tool for the assessment of geodetic landslide monitoring data. The example of a landsliding area shows the applicability of the algorithm.