6 Ergebnisse
Sociopolitical dynamics and cultural continuity in the peruvian northern highlands: a case study from Middle Horizon Cajamarca ; Dinámicas sociopolíticas y continuidad cultural en la sierra norte peruana:un caso de estudio del Horizonte Medio Cajamarca
This chapter presents excavation data from two archaeological sites, El Palacio and Paredones, located in the Department of Cajamarca in the northern sierra of Peru, a geographic area of social dynamism during the Middle Horizon. The presence of the large-scale site of El Palacio — a Wari administrative center — would suggest that the valley came under direct Wari imperial control in a manner similar to that known under the Inca during the Late Horizon. Yet at the same time, there are chullpas at the contemporary site of Paredones that are associated with ceramics related to the Tiwanaku style. This complex situation during the Middle Horizon, on the one hand, presupposes the existence of multiple cultural groups livingin the Cajamarca region. On the other hand, the Cajamarca culture has local roots that are demonstrated in the productionof its kaolin ceramics that are found throughout a wide area of the Wari realm. For these reasons, the cultural changes during the Middle Horizon do not necessarily correspond to political domination. One explanation for this variable situation could be that the Cajamarca society was not centralized, and therefore had the social flexibility to coexist within an imperial society. ; En este ensayo se presentan los datos de excavación de dos sitios arqueológicos, El Palacio y Paredones, ubicados en el departamento de Cajamarca, sierra norte del Perú, área geográfica desde donde sugiero la dinámica social durante el Horizonte Medio. La presencia del sitio El Palacio, centro administrativo Wari de gran escala en el valle de Cajamarca, es un ejemplo de similitudfenomenológica con el caso Inca en el Horizonte Tardío, debido a que el valle de Cajamarca estuvo bajo el dominio directo del Imperio wari. Al mismo tiempo, de Paredones, otro sitio contemporáneo, aparecen chullpas asociadas a cerámicas relacionadas con la cultura Tiwanaku. Esta situación compleja durante el Horizonte Medio presupone la existencia de múltiples grupos con diferentes culturas en la región Cajamarca. Por otro lado, la cultura Cajamarca es una expresión de continuidad que se refleja en la producción de su cerámica en caolín que se distribuyó en un área amplia de dominio Wari. Por lo que, los cambios culturales no corresponderían necesariamente a un dominio político. Una explicación a esta variable condición sería que la sociedad Cajamarca no era centralizada, por lo tanto tenía flexibilidad social y pudo coexistir con la sociedad imperial.
El reino de Cuismancu: orígenes y transformación en el Tawantinsuyu
The Cuismanco Kingdom: Origins and Transformation in the TawantinsuyuThis paper presents the data of excavation data from Tantarica site, in the northern highland of Peru, also examines the extent interpretations about the Cuismancu Kingdom based on the documents. Up to now the opinion prevents that the Cuismancu Kingdom existed before the arrival of the Incas and was incorporated into the Inca dominion. This interpretation contradicts the archaeological data. The material culture of Tantarica is closer to the north coast than with the Cajamarca Basin, which indicates heterogeneity within the domain of the Cuismancu Kingdom. Thus, it is probable that the political unit as seven warangas of the Cuismancu Kingdom was formed under the Inca domain and is not of preincaic origin. ; En este artículo se presentan los resultados de excavaciones llevadas a cabo en el sitio arqueológico de Tantarica, ubicado en la sierra norte del Perú, y se revisa interpretaciones sobre el reino de Cuismancu sobre la base de los documentos. Hasta la fecha se mantiene la imagen de un reino de Cuismancu que existió antes de la llegada de los incas y que se incorporó bajo su dominio. Sin embargo, esta interpretación no concuerda con los datos arqueológicos. Los materiales arqueológicos de Tantarica presentan una relación más estrecha con la costa norte que con el valle de Cajamarca, indicando que existe más bien una heterogeneidad dentro de dicho reino. Por ello, es razonable pensar que la unidad política del reino de Cuismancu en forma de siete warangas se formó bajo el dominio incaico y que no se remonta al periodo inmediatamente anterior.
Searching for EUR-ASIA Joseph Beuys and Nam June Paik's Life Long Collaboration
Introduction Following their first meeting in Düsseldorf in 1961, Joseph Beuys and Nam June Paik began their lifelong series of artistic collaborations so-called EURASIA. Sharing a common interest in Europe and Asia, they started to consider Europe (=West) and Asia (=East) as one continental culture, and tried to connect them as EURASIA. Containing Europe and Asia, Eurasia is one continuous mass of land. Europe and Asia, or West and East are merely imaginary divisions, but once they are named Europe and Asia or West and East, this fixed division makes it difficult to understand that these two areas are in fact one continent with common roots, and that they developed through mutual influence. To realize the continuity of Europe and Asia and understand how to connect these two regions is becoming an urgent question. In our globalized world, it is becoming impossible to uphold protection through the entity of the nation-state, which defines the enemy as being outside the nation. In order to find an alternative to the nation-state, we need to look back in history and restructure the world on a more abstract level; in other words, the sublation of Westphalian sovereignty which developed after the Thirty Years' War is now required. Also if Asia becomes one political entity, just as Europe is becoming one political entity, the tension between Europe and Asia will be intense; it will be no different from that between nations, which caused two World Wars. As Asia, a large part of which was once colonized by Europe, begins to gain political and economical power, it becomes necessary to prepare a plan to reconcile Europe and Asia. Meanwhile, if Eurasia is united as an expansion of the nation-state, the result may be regional hegemony with a one-sided national perspective, similar to that of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere led by the Empire of Japan. The Eurasian Economic Union led by Vladimir Putin's Russian Federation threatens to make the same mistake. Bearing in mind the fact that the bloc economy triggered World War II, to connect Europe and Asia while eschewing regional hegemony will be crucial for our co-existence in the 21st century. Having endured World War II, both Joseph Beuys and Nam June Paik were aware of the contradictions of modernity and the nation-state which originated in Europe. They reflected on how to overcome divisions such as those between nations, between Europe and Asia in colonial history, and between East and West during the Cold War at that time. Eliminating borders, Beuys and Paik's utopian vision of EURASIA is an abstract and archetypical metaphor for connecting Europe and Asia, West and East, or two opposite things into one, and it will give us a hint on how to overcome the divisions caused by modernity.
A logistic model for precise tomato fruit-growth prediction based on diameter-time evolution
In: Computers and electronics in agriculture: COMPAG online ; an international journal, Band 227, S. 109500
ISSN: 1872-7107
Non-destructive Leaf Area Index estimation via guided optical imaging for large scale greenhouse environments
In: Computers and electronics in agriculture: COMPAG online ; an international journal, Band 197, S. 106911