
16 Ergebnisse


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Export processing zones in the Philippines

In: ASEAN-Australia Economic Papers, 20

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World Affairs Online


Myths about miracels: the case of Thailand

In: The journal of international trade & economic development

ISSN: 0963-8199

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World Affairs Online


The Uruguay Round and the developing countries: Thailand and the Philippines

In: The developing economies

ISSN: 0012-1533

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World Affairs Online


Malaysia's industrial enclaves: benefits and costs

In: The developing economies

ISSN: 0012-1533

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World Affairs Online


Export promotion via industrial enclaves: the Philippines' Bataan export processing zone

In: The journal of development studies: JDS

ISSN: 0022-0388

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World Affairs Online


Korea's Masan free export zone: benefits and costs

In: The developing economies

ISSN: 0012-1533

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World Affairs Online

Open Access#82017

Thailand's automotive manufacturing corridor



Bangladesh and the Uruguay Round: A general equilibrium welfare analysis

In: The Bangladesh development studies: the journal of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 23-59

ISSN: 0304-095X

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online

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World Affairs Online


Buying Australian

In: Discussion Papers, 150

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World Affairs Online


Indonesia's other Dutch disease: Economic effects of the petroleum boom

In: Working Papers in Trade and Development, 86/2

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World Affairs Online