Political Parties of Russia: a View from China
In: Izvestija Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta: The bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Serija Politologija, religiovedenie = Series Political science and religion studies, Band 50, S. 86-98
This article explores how Chinese scholars analyze and interpret the political parties of Russia, focusing primarily on the structure and dynamics of the contemporary Russian party system. The study examines the categorization of Russian parties by Chinese political scientists into three groups: the "party of power" ("United Russia|), the "pseudo-opposition" (LDPR and "A Just Russia"), and the "systemic opposition" (CPRF). By employing a qualitative research approach, specifically text analysis, the article highlights the distinct perspectives of Chinese researchers, who place particular emphasis on party ideologies and the distribution of political power. The findings reveal both the similarities and differences between Chinese and Russian political science perspectives, offering insights into the nuances of party dynamics in Russia as understood by Chinese scholars.