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World Affairs Online
Does symbolic representation matter? A meta‐analysis of the passive‐symbolic representation link
In: Public administration: an international journal
ISSN: 1467-9299
AbstractThe theory of symbolic representation expects that passive representativeness of bureaucrats can heighten agencies' perceived legitimacy and enhance citizen outcomes. Empirical evidence on the consequences of symbolic representation, however, is mixed. By performing a meta‐analysis of 286 effect sizes, this study finds a significantly positive, though weak, association between passive representation and its anticipated symbolic outcomes. A meta‐regression analysis further examined how the salience of symbolic representation is moderated by multiple aspects of passive representativeness, symbolic outcomes, policy and geographical contexts, and research design. Results suggest that the symbolic benefits of passive representation are more observed at the frontline than in managerial settings, and the effects are stronger in experimental research designs than observational ones. This research echoes the increasing attention dedicated to the importance of context to representative bureaucracy research and contributes to a more refined theoretical exploration of symbolic representation.
Rousseau and the chinese intellectual world (1882-1911) ; Jean-Jacques Rousseau et le monde intellectuel en Chine (1882-1911)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most important philosophers for the Chinese intellectuals in the 20e century. This study focuses firstly on different groups of society, not only the intellectuals, but also average people and they were inspired by Rousseau. Secondly, the historical materials the author employed are not limited to political commentaries, academic articles, but also included a number of novels, plays or other literary works. In order to provide a complete interpretation of this subject, the author employed especially the imperial exam papers in the late Qing, which is breakthrough of the early studies in the similar subject. Over all speaking, this thesis is an excellent exploration of the themes which author sets but there are still some problems which should be modified for further study, such as content about the complexity of the thinking of Rousseau. The first part of this thesis collects more than two hundred historical documents mentioned Rousseau. By analyzing the historical source according to the time, the authors and the species, the thesis reveals an overall historical course how the Rousseau's ideas spread in the late Qing Dynasty. The second part of the article focuses on the intellectual elite and how they accept and understand Rousseau's thoughts. According to the historical database of this thesis, at late Qing, Liang Qichao is the intellectual who advocated the most the ideas of Rousseau. His attitude towards Rousseau turns from the praise to suspect and finally to criticize, but from the perspective of the history of the human civilization, Liang always holds a "stable" position towards Rousseau. The revolutionary intellectuals elites have an special mode in propagation of Rousseau's thoughts. Their propaganda system is from shallow to deep, covering all sectors of society crowd. Yan fu, although he criticized the political philosophy of Rousseau, also recognized the contribution of Rousseau as educator. The third part deals with the popular literature, literary works, which reveals an overview how the enlightenment values of Rousseau thought inspiring the Chines at late Qing. By analyzing the imperial exam papers, especially in the part of "policy question", the thesis discovers a split phenomenon in the class of the gentry, which shows the challenges and their answers of the gentry as defenders of the traditional social order at the late Qing Dynasty. ; Jean-Jacques Rousseau est l'un des philosophes les plus importants pour les intellectuels chinois dans le XXe siècle. Cette étude se concentre d'abord sur les différents groupes de la société, pas seulement les intellectuels, mais aussi la moyenne des gens et comment ils ont été inspirés par Rousseau. Deuxièmement, les documents historiques employés ne sont pas limités à des commentaires politiques, des articles académiques, mais sont également inclus un certain nombre de romans, de pièces de théâtre ou d'autres œuvres littéraires. Afin de donner une interprétation complète de ce sujet, l'auteur emploie surtout les copies d'examen impérial à la in des Qing, qui est une percée des sources historiques sur le thème similaire. En résumé cette thèse est une exploration de ce thème mais il ya encore quelques problèmes qui devraient être modifiés pour les études plus approfondies comme la complexité de la pensée de Rousseau en Chine. La première partie de la thèse rassemble plus de deux cents documents historiques mentionnant Rousseau. En analysant les sources historiques selon le temps, les auteurs et les types, la thèse révèle un parcours historique : comment se propagent les idées de Rousseau à al fin des Qing? La deuxième partie de l'article se concentre sur l'élite intellectuelle et la façon dont elle accepte et comprend les pensées de Rousseau. Selon la base de données historiques de cette thèse, à la fin des Qing, Liang Qi-Chao est l'intellectuel qui a le plus promu les idées de Rousseau. Son attitude envers Rousseau se détourne de la louange et soupçonne et critique. Du point de vue de l'historie de la civilisation humaine, Liang détient toujours une position "stable" sur Rousseau. Les élites révolutionnaires ont eu un mode de propagation spécial de la pensée de Rousseau. Leur système de propagande a couvert tous les secteurs de la société. Yan Fu, malgré qu'il ait critiqué la philosophie politique de Rousseau, a également reconnu la contribution de Rousseau en tant qu'éducateur. La troisième partie traite de la littérature populaire, des œuvres littéraires, qui révèlent comment les valeurs des Lumières de Rousseau ont inspiré les Chinois à la fin de Qing. En analysant les feuilles d'examen impérial, en particulier dans le cadre de "stratégie-question", la thèse montre un phénomène de "conflit" au sein de la gentry à propos de Rousseau et dévoile les défis et les réponses de la gentry, en tant que défenseur de l'ordre social traditionnel à la fin de la dynastie Qing.
Rousseau and the chinese intellectual world (1882-1911) ; Jean-Jacques Rousseau et le monde intellectuel en Chine (1882-1911)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most important philosophers for the Chinese intellectuals in the 20e century. This study focuses firstly on different groups of society, not only the intellectuals, but also average people and they were inspired by Rousseau. Secondly, the historical materials the author employed are not limited to political commentaries, academic articles, but also included a number of novels, plays or other literary works. In order to provide a complete interpretation of this subject, the author employed especially the imperial exam papers in the late Qing, which is breakthrough of the early studies in the similar subject. Over all speaking, this thesis is an excellent exploration of the themes which author sets but there are still some problems which should be modified for further study, such as content about the complexity of the thinking of Rousseau. The first part of this thesis collects more than two hundred historical documents mentioned Rousseau. By analyzing the historical source according to the time, the authors and the species, the thesis reveals an overall historical course how the Rousseau's ideas spread in the late Qing Dynasty. The second part of the article focuses on the intellectual elite and how they accept and understand Rousseau's thoughts. According to the historical database of this thesis, at late Qing, Liang Qichao is the intellectual who advocated the most the ideas of Rousseau. His attitude towards Rousseau turns from the praise to suspect and finally to criticize, but from the perspective of the history of the human civilization, Liang always holds a "stable" position towards Rousseau. The revolutionary intellectuals elites have an special mode in propagation of Rousseau's thoughts. Their propaganda system is from shallow to deep, covering all sectors of society crowd. Yan fu, although he criticized the political philosophy of Rousseau, also recognized the contribution of Rousseau as educator. The third part deals with the popular literature, literary works, which ...
Rousseau and the chinese intellectual world (1882-1911) ; Jean-Jacques Rousseau et le monde intellectuel en Chine (1882-1911)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is one of the most important philosophers for the Chinese intellectuals in the 20e century. This study focuses firstly on different groups of society, not only the intellectuals, but also average people and they were inspired by Rousseau. Secondly, the historical materials the author employed are not limited to political commentaries, academic articles, but also included a number of novels, plays or other literary works. In order to provide a complete interpretation of this subject, the author employed especially the imperial exam papers in the late Qing, which is breakthrough of the early studies in the similar subject. Over all speaking, this thesis is an excellent exploration of the themes which author sets but there are still some problems which should be modified for further study, such as content about the complexity of the thinking of Rousseau. The first part of this thesis collects more than two hundred historical documents mentioned Rousseau. By analyzing the historical source according to the time, the authors and the species, the thesis reveals an overall historical course how the Rousseau's ideas spread in the late Qing Dynasty. The second part of the article focuses on the intellectual elite and how they accept and understand Rousseau's thoughts. According to the historical database of this thesis, at late Qing, Liang Qichao is the intellectual who advocated the most the ideas of Rousseau. His attitude towards Rousseau turns from the praise to suspect and finally to criticize, but from the perspective of the history of the human civilization, Liang always holds a "stable" position towards Rousseau. The revolutionary intellectuals elites have an special mode in propagation of Rousseau's thoughts. Their propaganda system is from shallow to deep, covering all sectors of society crowd. Yan fu, although he criticized the political philosophy of Rousseau, also recognized the contribution of Rousseau as educator. The third part deals with the popular literature, literary works, which ...
Greenwashing or Green Evolution: Can Transition Finance Empower Green Innovation in Carbon-Intensive Enterprise?
In: FINANA-D-24-01167
Social justice and migrant children: Exploring the design and implementation of education policies for migrant children in China
In: Regional science policy and practice: RSPP, Band 15, Heft 9, S. 1941-1956
ISSN: 1757-7802
AbstractDrawn from 14 educational policy documents and 26 interviews with educators of internal migrant children in China, this paper examines the design and implementation of educational policy for Chinese internal migrant children in the past three decades through the theoretical lens of social justice. Taking Guiyang city as the focus, this study demonstrates that educational policy and provision for migrant children are part of an evolving process impacted by interrelations between issues, such as the hukou system, (lack of) government funding and tensions between central and local governments. Although migrant children increasingly have access to improved opportunities, their outcomes remain poor relative to their peers from urban areas. New policies aiming to mitigate the disadvantages of migrant children are needed.
The Effect of Daily Stress on Depression in Chinese Adolescents: A Moderated Mediation Model
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 51, Heft 6, S. 1-10
ISSN: 1179-6391
We explored the effects and mechanisms of daily perceived stress on depression among Chinese adolescents. Participants were 1,153 junior high school students who completed The Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Checklist, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale-Children, the Socioeconomic
Status Scale, the Emotional Control Scale, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Results showed that daily stress was positively related to depression, and emotional balance partially mediated this relationship. The relationship between emotional balance and depression
was moderated by emotional control and socioeconomic status, such that the impact of emotional balance on depression was stronger for adolescents with low emotional control and high socioeconomic status. We have revealed the behavioral mechanism underlying the association between daily stress
and depression, enriching the literature on youth positive development. For those working with adolescents, to prevent depression the focus should be on maintaining daily emotional balance by improving emotional control, while paying attention to the emotional problems of adolescents with
low socioeconomic status.
Reexamining the meaning of 'space' in the discourse of globalization and its implications for cultural discourse studies: Aspiring to be global: language and social change in a tourism village in China, Shuang Gao, Bristol, Multilingual Matters, 2019, 184 pp., $25.00, Paperback, Hardback, Ebook (EPU...
In: Journal of multicultural discourses, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 87-93
ISSN: 1747-6615
Review of Statham (2022): Critical discourse analysis: A practical introduction to power in language
In: Journal of language and politics, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 564-567
ISSN: 1569-9862
Review of Boria, Carreres, Noriega-Sánchez & Tomalin (2020): Translation and multimodality: Beyond words
In: Journal of language and politics, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 177-181
ISSN: 1569-9862
Adaptive policy innovations and the construction of emission trading schemes in China: Taking stock and looking forward
In: Environmental innovation and societal transitions, Band 30, S. 59-68
ISSN: 2210-4224
Risk identification and regulatory system design for the carbon market
In: Chinese journal of population, resources and environment, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 59-67
ISSN: 2325-4262
Can the Chinese bond market facilitate a globalizing renminbi?
A global renminbi needs to be backed by a large, deep and liquid renminbi bond market with a world-class Chinese government bond (CGB) market as its core. China's CGB market is the seventh largest in the world while sitting alongside a huge but non-tradable and captive central bank liability in the form of required reserves. By transforming the non-tradable cen-tral bank liabilities into homogeneous and tradable CGBs through halving the high Chinese reserve requirements, the size of the CGB market can easily double. This would help over-come some market impediments and elevate the CGBs to a top three government bond mar-ket globally, boosting market liquidity while trimming distortions to the banking system. With a foreign ownership similar to that of the JGBs, CGBs held by foreign investors may increase ten-fold by 2020, approaching 5 percent of the 2014 global foreign reserves and facilitating a potential global renminbi, especially in the wake of the renminbi's inclusion into the basket of the IMF Special Drawing Rights.
The Status Quo and Developing Trend Analysis of Global Carbon Finance
In: Chinese journal of population, resources and environment, Band 9, Heft 4, S. 34-41
ISSN: 2325-4262