Behavioural selection of farmer households for rural homestead use in China: Self-occupation and transfer
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 152, S. 103163
21 Ergebnisse
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 152, S. 103163
In: Progress in nuclear energy: the international review journal covering all aspects of nuclear energy, Band 166, S. 104957
ISSN: 0149-1970
In: Economics letters, Band 140, S. 19-22
ISSN: 0165-1765
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 46, Heft 2, S. 313-321
ISSN: 1179-6391
We proposed a model with which we jointly tested psychological capital (PsyCap) as the key psychological mechanism through which transformational leadership (TL) affects employee voice behavior (VB), and examined the moderating effect of employees' organizational identification (OI)
on the PsyCap–VB relationship. Data were collected from employees in companies located in southern China and a small group of Master of Business Administration students who were also in paid employment (N = 237). Results showed that PsyCap fully mediated the TL–VB relationship,
and that the effect of PsyCap on VB would be stronger when OI was high than when it was low. Both theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed, as well as limitations and future directions for research.
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 45, Heft 10, S. 1655-1664
ISSN: 1179-6391
Based on the theory of emotional contagion, we used multilevel linear analysis to explore whether or not the psychological mechanism through which coaching leadership promotes voice behavior was follower psychological capital. Data were collected from supervisor–subordinate dyads
of 57 supervisors and 328 employees. Results showed that coaching leadership was positively related to employee voice behavior, and moreover, that follower psychological capital mediated the relationship between coaching leadership and employee voice behavior. Our research findings enrich
the theory and practice of coaching leadership.
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 45, Heft 7, S. 1099-1112
ISSN: 1179-6391
Although previous researchers have examined the effects of the 4 positive psychological resources of psychological capital (PsyCap) on feedback-seeking behavior, and the influence of PsyCap on proactive behavior, the relationship between PsyCap and feedback-seeking behavior and its
underlying mechanism has not been established. Thus, we explored whether or not the link between PsyCap and feedback-seeking behavior was mediated by feedback cognition, by conducting a 3-wave survey with 215 students from 4 universities in southern China. Confirmatory factor analysis and
structural equation modeling were applied to examine our hypotheses. Results showed that PsyCap significantly influenced feedbackseeking behavior, and that feedback cognition fully mediated this relationship. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
In: Social behavior and personality: an international journal, Band 45, Heft 3, S. 441-452
ISSN: 1179-6391
We examined the influence of challenge stress and hindrance stress on the academic achievement of college students and whether or not the effect of the type of stress was moderated by proactive personality. Data were collected from 246 students at 4 universities in southern China through
a 2-phase longitudinal survey. The results indicated that challenge stress was positively related to academic achievement and hindrance stress was negatively related to academic achievement. In addition, both these relationships were moderated by proactive personality. Theoretical and practical
implications, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.
In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Band 72, S. 320-329
ISSN: 1873-6017
In: Socio-economic planning sciences: the international journal of public sector decision-making, Band 94, S. 101962
ISSN: 0038-0121
BACKGROUND: Existing literature believed that the birth control policy affects energy consumption through the change in population size, but ignored the changes in people's lifestyle. This may mislead the government's policy-making about population and energy consumption. METHOD: This article proposed a Population-Lifestyle-Energy (PLE) model to provide new insights into how birth control policy affects energy consumption if the changes in people's lifestyle are considered. The ProFamy software is used to forecast the changes in demographic characteristics. The methods of regression analysis and Input-Output Analysis are used to predict the impacts of lifestyle changes on energy consumption. RESULTS: We find that China's two-child policy will result in the total energy consumption increase by 16.2% in 2050, far outpacing the population increase of 9.3% when considering the indirect effect of lifestyle changes. This is significantly different from the optimistic wisdom in the existing literature. We also find the non-linear relationships between fertility rate and energy consumption. CONCLUSION: Ignoring lifestyle changes will lead to an underestimation of energy consumption. Contrary to conventional optimistic wisdom, we believe that the two-child policy will make it difficult for China to meet promised energy conservation goals.
Working paper
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 53, S. 178-187
In: LEAQUA-D-24-00281
In: Materials and design, Band 215, S. 110515
ISSN: 1873-4197
In: Materials and design, Band 108, S. 608-617
ISSN: 1873-4197