Waste tire rubber devulcanization technologies: State-of-the-art, limitations and future perspectives
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 150, S. 174-184
ISSN: 1879-2456
13 Ergebnisse
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 150, S. 174-184
ISSN: 1879-2456
In: International Geology Review, Band 51, Heft 12, S. 1121-1131
In: International Geology Review, Band 50, Heft 7, S. 624-635
In: International Geology Review, Band 48, Heft 4, S. 287-310
In: International Geology Review, Band 56, Heft 1, S. 15-28
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 78, S. 238-248
ISSN: 1879-2456
In: Waste management: international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology, Band 71, S. 301-310
ISSN: 1879-2456
In: International Geology Review, Band 50, Heft 2, S. 121-134
Gram-positive Clostridium perfringens type G, the causative agent of necrotic enteritis (NE), has gained more attention in the poultry industry due to governmental restrictions on the use of growth-promoting antibiotics in poultry feed. Our previous work has proved that regulated delayed lysis Salmonella vaccines delivering a plasmid encoding an operon fusion of the nontoxic C-terminal adhesive part of alpha toxin and a GST-NetB toxin fusion were able to elicit significant protective immunity in broilers against C. perfringens challenge. We recently improved our S. Typhimurium antigen delivery vaccine strain by integrating a rhamnose-regulated O-antigen synthesis gene enabling a triple-sugar regulation system to control virulence, antigen-synthesis and lysis in vivo traits. The strain also includes a ΔsifA mutation that was previously shown to increase the immunogenicity of and level of protective immunity induced by Salmonella vectored influenza and Eimeria antigens. The new antigen-delivery vaccine vector system confers on the vaccine strain a safe profile and improved protection against C. perfringens challenge. The strain with the triple-sugar regulation system delivering a regulated lysis plasmid pG8R220 encoding the PlcC and GST-NetB antigens protected chickens at a similar level observed in antibiotic-treated chickens. Feed conversion and growth performance were also similar to antibiotic-treated chickens. These studies made use of a severe C. perfringens challenge with lesion formation and mortality enhanced by pre-exposure to Eimeria maxima oocysts. The vaccine achieved effectiveness through three different immunization routes, oral, spray and in drinking water. The vaccine has a potential for application in commercial hatcher and broiler-rearing conditions.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by UKERC, Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) award NE/H013237/1, by the European Union (GHG-Europe project), BBSRC (GIANT-LINK project), by NERC as part of the Carbo-BioCrop project (Grant reference number: NE/H010742/1), by the MAGLUE project (Grant reference number: EP/M013200/1), Addressing valuation of energy and nature together (ADVENT) (Grant reference number: NE/M019713/1) and by the EPSRC SUPERGEN Bioenergy projects (Grant reference number: EP/K036734/1). ; Peer reviewed ; Publisher PDF
In: Materials and design, Band 227, S. 111703
ISSN: 1873-4197
To achieve the UK Government's aim of expansion in the growth of perennial energy crops requires farmers to select these crops in preference to conventional rotations. Existing studies estimating the total potential resource have either only simplistically considered the farmer decision-making and opportunity costs, for example using an estimate of annual land rental charge; or have not considered spatial variability, for example using representative farm types. This paper attempts to apply a farm-scale modelling approach with spatially specific data to improve understanding of potential perennial energy crop supply. The model main inputs are yield maps for the perennial energy crops, Miscanthus and willow grown as short-rotation coppice (SRC), and regional yields for conventional crops. These are used to configure location specific farm-scale models, which optimize for profit maximization with risk aversion. Areas that are unsuitable or unavailable for energy crops, due to environmental or social factors, are constrained from selection. The results are maps of economic supply, assuming a homogenous farm-gate price, allowing supply cost curves for the UK market to be derived. The results show a high degree of regional variation in supply, with different patterns for each energy crop. Using estimates of yields under climate change scenarios suggests that Miscanthus supply may increase under future climates while the opposite effect is suggested for SRC willow. The results suggest that SRC willow is only likely to able to supply a small proportion of the anticipated perennial energy crop target, without increases in market prices. Miscanthus appears to have greater scope for supply, and its dominance may be amplified over time by the effects of climate change. Finally, the relationship to the demand side of the market is discussed, and work is proposed to investigate the factors impacting how the market as a whole may develop.
In: Alexander , P , Moran , D , Smith , P , Hastings , A , Wang , S , Sunnenberg , G , Lovett , A , Tallis , M J , Casella , E , Taylor , G , Finch , J & Cisowska , I 2014 , ' Estimating UK perennial energy crop supply using farm-scale models with spatially disaggregated data ' GCB Bioenergy , vol 6 , no. 2 , pp. 142-155 . DOI:10.1111/gcbb.12121
To achieve the UK Government's aim of expansion in the growth of perennial energy crops requires farmers to select these crops in preference to conventional rotations. Existing studies estimating the total potential resource have either only simplistically considered the farmer decision-making and opportunity costs, for example using an estimate of annual land rental charge; or have not considered spatial variability, for example using representative farm types. This paper attempts to apply a farm-scale modelling approach with spatially specific data to improve understanding of potential perennial energy crop supply. The model main inputs are yield maps for the perennial energy crops, Miscanthus and willow grown as short-rotation coppice (SRC), and regional yields for conventional crops. These are used to configure location specific farm-scale models, which optimize for profit maximization with risk aversion. Areas that are unsuitable or unavailable for energy crops, due to environmental or social factors, are constrained from selection. The results are maps of economic supply, assuming a homogenous farm-gate price, allowing supply cost curves for the UK market to be derived. The results show a high degree of regional variation in supply, with different patterns for each energy crop. Using estimates of yields under climate change scenarios suggests that Miscanthus supply may increase under future climates while the opposite effect is suggested for SRC willow. The results suggest that SRC willow is only likely to able to supply a small proportion of the anticipated perennial energy crop target, without increases in market prices. Miscanthus appears to have greater scope for supply, and its dominance may be amplified over time by the effects of climate change. Finally, the relationship to the demand side of the market is discussed, and work is proposed to investigate the factors impacting how the market as a whole may develop.