Repatriation to France and Germany: a comparative study based on Bourdieu's theory of practice
In: Mir-Edition
In: Research
10 Ergebnisse
In: Mir-Edition
In: Research
World Affairs Online
This article analyses the corruption phenomenon in Open Source Software Organizations using a deductive approach. For that purpose, we examine whether there may be corruption motives in such organizations which are not based on the profit motive and give advice how corruption should be dealt with. Our findings demonstrate that although in Open Source Software Organizations there is no intent to realize a profit, corrupt practices may occur nonetheless and should be combated. Criteria of efficiency for the assessment of the different anti-corruption instruments are that they prohibit corruption ex-ante and that no instrument influences the motivation in a negative way. Assigning the types of people joining the open source community on Frey / Osterloh's motivation types makes an examination of the effects of the instruments possible and shows that only intrinsic instruments are suited to fight corruption in Open Source Software Organizations in an effective way.
This article analyses the corruption phenomenon in Open Source Software Organizations using a deductive approach. For that purpose, we examine whether there may be corruption motives in such organizations which are not based on the profit motive and give advice how corruption should be dealt with. Our findings demonstrate that although in Open Source Software Organizations there is no intent to realize a profit, corrupt practices may occur nonetheless and should be combated. Criteria of efficiency for the assessment of the different anti-corruption instruments are that they prohibit corruption ex-ante and that no instrument influences the motivation in a negative way. Assigning the types of people joining the open source community on Frey / Osterloh's motivation types makes an examination of the effects of the instruments possible and shows that only intrinsic instruments are suited to fight corruption in Open Source Software Organizations in an effective way.
In: _372GRH, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 88-114
ISSN: 2295-9149
Cette recherche, qui est fondée sur la théorie de la pratique de Bourdieu, compare la valorisation d'une expérience d'expatriation lors du retour dans deux contextes nationaux, la France et l'Allemagne. Les résultats de l'étude empirique, qui s'appuie sur 40 entretiens semi-directifs, montrent que la valeur du portefeuille de capitaux de carrière des acteurs dépend des règles du jeu de chaque champ de carrière. Les différences entre les champs de carrière français et allemand peuvent être expliquées par des facteurs culturels et institutionnels.
In: Routledge studies in international business and the world economy 54
In: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy
In: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy Ser. v.54
Globalization and the development of multinational organizations have led to an increase in the number of people spending part of their lives living and working in foreign countries. While the contemporary literature has focused on organizational expatriates sent overseas by their employers, self-initiated expatriation is becoming an important area of study in its own right. Studies on self-initiated expatriation explore the labor market positions of individuals who have relocated under their own initiative. However, no comprehensive book exists on the dynamics that underlie this type of mobil
In: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy
Globalization and the development of multinational organizations have led to an increase in the number of people spending part of their lives living and working in foreign countries. While the contemporary literature has focused on organizational expatriates sent overseas by their employers, self-initiated expatriation is becoming an important area of study in its own right. Studies on self-initiated expatriation explore the labor market positions of individuals who have relocated under their own initiative. However, no comprehensive book exists on the dynamics that underlie this type of mobil.
In: Starthilfe und Unternehmensförderung