Sexuality and crime: a neo-Darwinian perspective
In: Routledge advances in criminology
73 Ergebnisse
In: Routledge advances in criminology
In: Routledge advances in criminology
In: Laws and legislation
The United States Constitution : originalism v. living document -- The establishment clause : ally or adversary of religious liberty? -- Religious liberty : the free exercise clause -- Religious freedom as Freedom of Speech -- Religious liberty and the legalization of same-sex marriage -- Religious liberty in the age of LGBTQ rights -- Freedom, equality, discrimination, and involuntary servitude -- Two iconic religious liberty v. anti-discrimination cases -- Photographs, cakes, and pizzas -- Federal government animus toward religion -- Some important victories for religious liberty -- Big government and its danger to freedom -- Concluding remarks on the battle for religious liberty.
In: Series in philosophy of religion
In: Routledge advances in criminology
Cover -- Half Title -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Chapter 1 The Science Wars -- Platonist or Aristotelian? -- Temperament and Visions -- Early Science Wars: A Very Short History -- The Current Scene -- Conclusion -- Chapter 2 Social Constructionism -- What Is Social Constructionism? -- Weak versus Strong Social Constructionism -- Fact Constructionism -- Sticking Points: Contingency, Nominalism, and Scienti?c Stability -- Conclusion -- Chapter 3 Science and Knowing -- Defending Science -- Rationalism -- Francis Bacon and Empiricism -- Bacon and Metaphor -- Thomas Kuhn and Scientific Relativism and Revolution -- Relativism -- Conclusion -- Chapter 4 The Conceptual Tools of Science -- Terms of Opprobrium -- Determinism and Freedom -- "Biological Determinism" -- Essentialism -- Reductionism -- Conclusion -- Chapter 5 Human Nature -- Is There a Human Nature, and How Do We Know? -- Natural Selection and Human Nature -- Sexual Selection and Male-Female Natures -- Selection for Biparental Care and Its Consequences -- Conclusion -- Chapter 6 Social Constructionism and Gender -- Gender Construction -- Gender Socialization and Gender Differences -- The Influence of Margaret Mead -- Ecological Explanations -- Melford Spiro: The Reluctant Apostate -- Conclusion -- Chapter 7 The Neurohormonal Basis of Gender -- Sexing the Brain -- Disorders of Sex Development: What Can They Tell Us about Gender? -- Transsexuals -- Other Gender-Confounding Conditions -- Conclusion -- Chapter 8 A Further Journey into the Gendered Brain -- Sex on the Brain -- Softwiring the Brain -- Brain Laterality -- Arousal Levels -- Dolls, Trucks, Evolution, and the Visual System -- Sugar and Spice -- Snips and Snails -- Empathy -- Fear -- Conclusion -- Chapter 9 Race and Racism -- Race as Social Construct
Preface -- What is this thing called love? -- The yearning for oneness -- Love and the brain -- Mother love and Darwinian sexual selection -- Touching hearts, touching minds -- Father love -- Lovelessness and lawlessness -- Love and physical health and illness -- Love and mental health and illness -- Self-love : other love -- Romantic love : its origin and purpose -- The chemistry of romantic love -- Love styles : how do you love me? -- Monogamy and promiscuity -- Love as exchange and barter -- Ecstasy and agony : love and betrayal -- Loving by the numbers -- Expanding the circle : universal love? -- Index
Love is a little word with a universe of meanings and has engaged people's interest throughout human history. The need to give and receive love lies deep within human nature. Anthony Walsh discusses the nature of love and affirms that humans' need for love has biological origins. Walsh gives a very comprehensive look at the many faces of love.
1. The usefulness of philosophy in criminology -- 2. Social constructionism versus science in criminology -- 3. Relativism, rationalism, empiricism, and paradigm shifts -- 4. Essentialism and reductionism -- 5. What is real and how do we know? -- 6. Materialism and idealism -- 7. Conflict and cooperation : alienation and equality -- 8. Rationality and emotion -- 9. Right and wrong conscience -- 10. The science wars and ideology in criminology -- 11. Ideology and causation -- 12. The philosophy and science of human nature -- 13. Feminist criminology and contending metaphysics -- 14. Origins of the intuition of justice -- 15. Punishment.
In: SAGE text/reader series in criminology and criminal justice