Der Ukraine-Krieg und seine geopolitischen Hintergründe
In: Marxistische Blätter
In: Beilage 3 (2022)
116 Ergebnisse
In: Marxistische Blätter
In: Beilage 3 (2022)
In: AttacBasis Texte 32
In: AttacBasis Texte 21
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Neue kleine Bibliothek 22
In: Welt-Trends: das außenpolitische Journal, Band 30, Heft 188, S. 28-33
ISSN: 0944-8101
World Affairs Online
In: Globalizations, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 157-163
ISSN: 1474-774X
In: Prokla: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, Band 46, Heft 182, S. 145-151
ISSN: 2700-0311
There was a common sense among the mainstream of the European Left that Germany has become the hegemon in the EU. The refugee crisis reveals that this narrative was premature. The article clarifies central concepts such as dominance, hegemony and leadership and analyses the German power behind its military, economic, political and soft power potential. It concludes that only on economic terrain Germany is ahead of its main rivals France and UK. But the country does not have a sufficient potential for a hegemon. Hence, the traditional power hierarchy in the EU prevails with the French-German condominium on top, while coalitions of opponents, such as the Visegrad Group, successfully resists any leadership in specific areas.
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik: Monatszeitschrift
ISSN: 0006-4416
World Affairs Online
In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung / W&E-Hintergrund
World Affairs Online
In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung
World Affairs Online
In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung
World Affairs Online
The Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) has been a spearhead demand of civil society for some 15 years now. Initially put on the table by the UNDP in 1996 as an instrument of innovative financing for development, also its regulatory dimension surfaced after the Asian financial crisis 1997/98. While some governments were open to the idea, in particular France and Belgium, there was strong opposition from other countries such as the US and the UK and of the finance industry. Therefore, the FTT seemed to be doomed to disappear from the agenda. The financial crash in 2008, however, was a game changer and the FTT had its come back with France and Germany as driving force behind it. After a failed attempt to get an agreement in the G20, the EU presented a draft directive, which was very close to the expectations of civil society. But as strong objections among the EU-27 occurred, in particular from the UK, a coalition of eleven countries chose the option of Enhanced Cooperation to implement the tax. The Enhanced Cooperation Procedure is part of the EU regulations and can be used for projects, which cannot be agreed among all 27 member states but have the support of at least nine member states. In February 2013 the Enhanced Cooperation Procedure was launched officially on the basis of a revised draft by the EU-Commission, which was even stricter vis à vis the financial sector, in particular through its strong and innovative provisions against tax evasion. The resistance of the finance industry against the FTT continued. Their lobby organised a campaign in order to reach at least a watering down of the proposal. Hence, the definitive outcome of the ongoing process is still open. For civil society the process is nevertheless a great success by now. The European
In: Informationsbrief Weltwirtschaft & Entwicklung
World Affairs Online