10 Ergebnisse
Freie Kameradschaften
In: Polis: Report der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Bildung, Heft 2, S. 7-9
ISSN: 1611-373X
Ethikrichtlinien - Implementierung und Mitbestimmung
In: Mannheimer Schriften zum Unternehmensrecht 9
A comparison between common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) and human infants sheds light on traits proposed to be at the root of human octave equivalence
In: Developmental science, Band 26, Heft 5
ISSN: 1467-7687
AbstractTwo notes separated by a doubling in frequency sound similar to humans. This "octave equivalence" is critical to perception and production of music and speech and occurs early in human development. Because it also occurs cross‐culturally, a biological basis of octave equivalence has been hypothesized. Members of our team previousy suggested four human traits are at the root of this phenomenon: (1) vocal learning, (2) clear octave information in vocal harmonics, (3) differing vocal ranges, and (4) vocalizing together. Using cross‐species studies, we can test how relevant these respective traits are, while controlling for enculturation effects and addressing questions of phylogeny. Common marmosets possess forms of three of the four traits, lacking differing vocal ranges. We tested 11 common marmosets by adapting an established head‐turning paradigm, creating a parallel test to an important infant study. Unlike human infants, marmosets responded similarly to tones shifted by an octave or other intervals. Because previous studies with the same head‐turning paradigm produced differential results to discernable acoustic stimuli in common marmosets, our results suggest that marmosets do not perceive octave equivalence. Our work suggests differing vocal ranges between adults and children and men and women and the way they are used in singing together may be critical to the development of octave equivalence.Research Highlights
A direct comparison of octave equivalence tests with common marmosets and human infants
Marmosets show no octave equivalence
Results emphasize the importance of differing vocal ranges between adults and infants
Auswirkungen einer verstärkten Produktionsausrichtung zur Biomasseerzeugung im Betriebsablauf landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen auf ökologische und ökonomische Kennziffern: Ergebnisse von Modellierungen in Praxisbetrieben
In: Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt 17
Possibilitando a troca de dados de águas subterrâneas em escala global: GroundWaterML2 ; Enabling global exchange of groundwater data: GroundWaterML2 (GWML2) ; Permission d'échange global(mondial) de données d'eau souterraine : GroundWaterML2 (GWML2) ; Posibilidad de intercambio global de datos de a...
International audience WML2 is an international standard for the online exchange of groundwater data that addresses the problem of data heterogeneity. This problem makes groundwater data hard to find and use because the data are diversely structured and fragmented into numerous data silos. Overcoming data heterogeneity requires a common data format; however, until the development of GWML2, an appropriate international standard has been lacking. GWML2 represents key hydrogeological entities such as aquifers and water wells, as well as related measurements and groundwater flows. It is developed and tested by an international consortium of groundwater data providers from North America, Europe, and Australasia, and facilitates many forms of data exchange, information representation, and the development of online web portals and tools. ; GWML2 est une norme internationale pour l'échange en ligne de données sur les eaux souterraines qui aborde le problème de l'hétérogénéité des données. Ce problème rend les données sur les eaux souterraines difficiles à découvrir et à utiliser parce qu'elles sont structurées et fragmentées en de nombreux silos. Surmonter l'hétérogénéité des données requiert un format de données commun; cependant, jusqu'au développement de GWML2, une norme internationale appropriée faisait défaut. GWML2 représente les principales entités hydrogéologiques telles que les aquifères et les puits d'eau, ainsi que les mesures connexes et les écoulements d'eau souterraine. La norme fut développée et testée par un consortium international de fournisseurs de données sur les eaux souterraines en provenance d'Amérique du Nord, d'Europe et d'Australasie; elle facilite de nombreuses formes d'échange de données, la représentation de l'information et le développement de portails web et d'outils en ligne.
CSES Module 1-3 Harmonized Trend File
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