Legal dynamics of EU external relations: dissecting a layered global player
In: Springer Textbooks in Law
11 Ergebnisse
In: Springer Textbooks in Law
Het internationaal publiekrecht en het recht van de Europese Unie worden tegenwoordig vaak beschouwd als grootheden die fundamenteel van elkaar verschillen. Niettemin zijn de twee onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Tegelijkertijd blijft de EU een opmerkelijk fenomeen, dat volgens velen een unieke plaats in het internationaalrechtelijke landschap inneemt – met name omdat haar rechtsorde een zogenaamd 'autonoom karakter' bezit. Deze publicatie staat stil bij de vraag hoe een rechtsorde een dergelijk autonoom karakter verwerven kan, en onderzoekt wat daarvan de precieze betekenis is. De auteur analyseert voorts of de Unie in dit opzicht inderdaad uniek mag worden genoemd, of andere rechtsordes een vergelijkbaar potentieel bezitten, en of die op den duur eveneens die kwaliteit zouden kunnen verwerven. Tot slot buigt hij zich over de kwestie of een dergelijke evolutie ook daadwerkelijk wenselijk is. Dit alles resulteert in een serie kritische beschouwingen over de positie van de EU in het mondiale rechtsverkeer, de verhouding tussen het Europese en het internationale recht, en de oorsprong en toekomst van beide vakgebieden
In: Studies in EU external relations v. 6
Preliminary Material -- Chapter 1 The Emerging International Identity of the European Union – Some Preliminary Observations /Henri de Waele and Jan-Jaap Kuipers -- Chapter 2 Identity and Difference: The EU and the UN as Part of Each Other /Geert De Baere and Esa Paasivirta -- Chapter 3 Arma fero, ergo sum? The European Union, NATO and the Quest for 'European Identity' /Joris Larik -- Chapter 4 EU Identity from the Perspective of the WTO – The Spillover Effects of the Union's Internal Market in the International Trading Arena /Tamara Perišin -- Chapter 5 Fraternal Twins: The European Union and the Council of Europe /Thomas Streinz -- Chapter 6 The EU-ILO Partnership and the Global Identity of the Union's Social Model /Rudi Delarue -- Chapter 7 The European Union and the Hague Conference on Private International Law – Forced Marriage or Fortunate Partnership? /Jan-Jaap Kuipers -- Chapter 8 The EU's International Identity: The Curious Case of the OECD /Joren Verschaeve and Tamara Takács -- Chapter 9 The EU and the IMF: The Financial Crisis as a Catalyst for a Stronger Union Representation? /Laura Puccio -- Chapter 10 'Name Me Your Friends, and I Will Tell You Who You Are' – The Union and the Member States in the Global Arena /Henri de Waele -- Index.
In: Queen Mary studies in international law v. 5
Preliminary Material /Eva Rieter and Henri de Waele -- Introduction: Evolving Principles of International Law – The Quest for Demarcation /Henri de Waele and Eva Rieter -- The Evolution of International Organisations and International Governance The Relationship between International Organisations and their Member States – Who Pays the Check? /Frans A. Nelissen -- The Extinction of States /Mariano J. Aznar-Gómez -- The Principle of Approximate Treaty Application /Eric Myjer -- Mr Kadi and Mrs Prost: Is the UN Ombudsperson Going to Find Herself between a Rock and a Hard Place? /Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Pieter Jan Kuijper -- Certain Other Perspectives for a Reform of the United Nations Security Council /Eric Suy -- Converging and Diverging Normative Trends in the International Community Integrating the Fragmented International Public Order: A Theoretical Perspective /Teruo Komori -- The Right to Peace as an Emerging Solidarity Right /Theo van Boven -- The Evolution of Liberté, Égalité and Fraternité in the International Community /Rein Müllerson -- The Sovereigns are Dead, Long Live the Sovereigns – Reflections on State Sovereignty and International Law /André de Hoogh -- Shifting Patterns in International Dispute Settlement Issues of Shared Responsibility before the International Court of Justice /André Nollkaemper -- Boundary Treaties and their Interpretation /Malcolm N. Shaw QC -- The Ambit and Limits of the Advisory Function of the International Court of Justice /Photini Pazartzis -- L'avis de la Cour internationale de Justice concernant la déclaration unilatérale d'indépendance relative au Kosovo: une nouvelle fleur de Lotus? /Pierre Michel Eisemann -- Conclusion: Evolving International Law – Connecting Underlying Trends and Principles /Eva Rieter and Henri de Waele -- Index /Eva Rieter and Henri de Waele.
In: Serie staat en recht deel 47
In: Serie staat en recht deel 26
Op 1 december 2014 was het EU-Grondrechtenhandvest vijf jaar juridisch bindend. Het bindend worden van het Handvest zorgde tegelijk voor diverse juridische uitdagingen. Deze bundel brengt in kaart welke juridische effecten het EU-Grondrechtenhandvest de afgelopen vijf jaar heeft gesorteerd voor verschillende deelterreinen van het Nederlandse recht
In: Queen Mary studies in international law 5
The relationship between international organisations and their member states : who pays the check? / Frans A. Nelissen -- The extinction of states / Mariano J. Aznar-Gomez -- The principle of approximate treaty application / Eric Myjer -- Mr. Kadi and Mrs. Prost : is the UN ombudsperson going to find herself between a rock and a hard place? / Laurence Boisson de Chazournes and Pieter Jan Kuijper -- Certain other perspectives for a reform of the United Nations Security Council / Eric Suy -- Integrating the fragmented international public order : a theoretical perspective / Teruo Komori -- The right to peace as an emerging solidarity right / Theo van Boven -- The evolution of liberte, egalite and fraternite in the international community / Rein Mullerson -- The sovereigns are dead, long live the sovereigns : reflections on state sovereignty and international law / Andre de Hoogh -- Issues of shared responsibility before the International Court of Justice / Andre Nollkaemper -- Boundary treaties and their interpretation / Malcolm N Shaw -- The ambit and limits of the advisory function of the International Court of Justice / Photini Pazartzis -- L'avis de la Cour internationale de justice concernant la declaration unilaterale d'independance relative au Kosovo : une nouvelle fleur de lotus? / Pierre Michel Eisemann
In: Interdisciplinary perspectives on EU citizenship
The process of European integration has had a marked influence on the nature and meaning of citizenship in national and post-national contexts as well as on the definition and exercise of civil rights across Member States. This original edited collection brings together insights from EU law, human rights and comparative constitutional law to address this underexplored nexus. Split into two distinct thematic parts, it first evaluates relevant frameworks of civil rights protection, with special attention on enforcement mechanisms and the role of civil society organisations. Next, it engages extensively with a series of individual rights connected to EU citizenship. Comprising detailed studies on access to nationality, the right to free movement, non-discrimination, family life, data protection and the freedom of expression, this book maps the expanding role of European law in the national sphere. It identifies a number of challenges to core civil rights that the current supranational framework is at pains to address. The contributors suggest and develop several new ideas on how to take the EU integration project forward. Civil Rights and EU Citizenship provides an innovative perspective on both the conceptual dimensions and the actual realities of rights-based citizenship which will be of interest to legal scholars, practitioners and policy-makers alike