Integrating property rights into fisheries management: The case of Belize's journey to managed access
In: Marine policy, Band 108, S. 103631
ISSN: 0308-597X
3 Ergebnisse
In: Marine policy, Band 108, S. 103631
ISSN: 0308-597X
In: Ecology and society: E&S ; a journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability, Band 28, Heft 1
ISSN: 1708-3087
In: McAteer , B , Fullbrook , L , Liu , W-H , Reed , J , Rivers , N , Văidianu , N , Westholm , A , Toonen , H M , van Tatenhove , J , Clarke , J , Onwona Ansong , J , Trouillet , B , Frazão Santos , C , Eger , S , ten Brink , T , Wade , E & Flannery , W 2022 , Marine Spatial Planning in Regional Ocean Areas: Trends and Lessons Learned . in Ocean Yearbook Online . 1 edn , vol. 36 , Brill | Nijhoff , pp. 346–380 .
This article is not intended to be a thorough empirical analysis of the progress of MSP. Rather, it aims to provide an overview of how MSP is evolving within diverse national and regional contexts and illustrate the major trends that are emerging globally. By analyzing the legislative arrangements, objectives, implementation and evaluation processes, and the initial impact of MSP across 12 regional areas, this article presents an overview of how MSP is developing. The next section provides an overview of MSP's evolution over the last two decades. This is followed by a series of national reviews of MSP implementation in 12 regional ocean areas. These reviews showcase how MSP has quickly spread across the globe, as well as revealing the major factors that are supporting and inhibiting its fulfilment as an integrative means of marine management. This is followed by a discussion section that evaluates some of the key findings extracted from the reviews, reflecting upon the issues that are shaping the conceptualization and operationalization of MSP initiatives in different regional contexts, before questioning what this means for future MSP practice and research. Factors revealed as being challenges common to MSP initiatives include the rationale for MSP implementation, the need for legislative backing, the material consequences of MSP and the need for evaluative feedback loops, the use and production of knowledge, and a lack of innovation. This article concludes by briefly outlining a range of recommendations on how MSP can evolve in more sustainable and inclusive manners over the next decade and as it spreads to other nations and regions.