The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effects of technology use for relationship maintenance on the longitudinal associations among self-isolation during COVID-19, depressive symptoms, and financial stress. Participants were 606 (53% female; M age = 20.36, SD = .99; 57% Caucasian) emerging adults. Data were collected in May 2020 (Time 1) and again in November 2020 (Time 2). Findings revealed that increases in self-isolation during COVID-19 related positively to technology use for relationship maintenance, Time 2 depressive symptoms, and Time 2 financial stress. High use of technology for relationship maintenance buffered against the negative effects of self-isolation during COVID-19 on emerging adults' depressive symptoms and financial stress at Time 2, whereas lower use strengthened the positive relationship. These findings suggest the importance of considering the implications of societal crises or pandemics on emerging adults' mental health and financial stress.
The goal of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of parental mediation in the longitudinal associations among cyberbullying bystanding, depression, subjective health complaints, and self-harm. Participants were 1,067 seventh and eighth graders ( M age = 13.93; 50% female) from the suburbs of a large Midwestern city in the United States. Restrictive parental mediation and instructive parental mediation strategies moderated the relationships examined in this study. Increases in restrictive parental mediation strengthened the association between cyberbullying bystanding and depression, subjective health complaints, and self-harm. High instructive parental mediation weakened these associations. These findings underscore the importance of developing interventions that increase parents' awareness of how to implement effective parental mediation strategies. Parental intervention programs that focus on parents' role in mitigating their children's exposure to cyberbullying and how they can help reduce the associated negative outcomes should be developed.
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the moderating effect of technology use for friendship maintenance in the associations between self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic and friendship quality, measured 6 months later (Time 2). Participants were 1,567 seventh and eighth graders (51% female; 51% white; Mage = 13.47) from the United States. They completed questionnaires on friendship quality at Time 1, and self-isolation during COVID-19 and technology use for friendship maintenance and friendship quality at Time 2. The findings revealed that self-isolation during COVID-19 was related positively to technology use for friendship maintenance and negatively to Time 2 friendship quality. Higher technology use for friendship maintenance buffered against the negative impacts on friendship quality associated with self-isolation during COVID-19, while lower technology use had the opposite effects on Time 2 friendship quality.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the moderation of parental mediation in the longitudinal association between being a bystander of cyberbullying and cyberbullying perpetration and cyberbullying victimization. Participants were 1067 7th and 8th graders between 12 and 15 years old (51% female) from six middle schools in predominantly middle-class neighborhoods in the Midwestern United States. Increases in being bystanders of cyberbullying was related positively to restrictive and instructive parental mediation. Restrictive parental mediation was related positively to Time 2 (T2) cyberbullying victimization, while instructive parental mediation was negatively related to T2 cyberbullying perpetration and victimization. Restrictive parental mediation was a moderator in the association between bystanders of cyberbullying and T2 cyberbullying victimization. Increases in restrictive parental mediation strengthened the positive relationship between these variables. In addition, instructive mediation moderated the association between bystanders of cyberbullying and T2 cyberbullying victimization such that increases in this form of parental mediation strategy weakened the association between bystanders of cyberbullying and T2 cyberbullying victimization. The current findings indicate a need for parents to be aware of how they can impact adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying as bullies and victims. In addition, greater attention should be given to developing parental intervention programs that focus on the role of parents in helping to mitigate adolescents' likelihood of cyberbullying involvement.
Welche Bedeutung hat Musik für Jugendliche in der Phase des Aufwachsens? Jugend, Musik und Sozialisation werden in dem Handbuch systematisch in ihren jeweiligen Zusammenhängen erschlossen. Der Fokus liegt hier auf der Ebene der bildungs- und sozialisationstheoretischen Erziehungswissenschaft. Grundsätzlich wird die Verbindung zwischen Jugend und Musik aus sozialisationstheoretischer Perspektive hergestellt. Ziel ist es, den Themenkomplex mit Beiträgen aus den verschiedenen Fachgebieten Erziehungswissenschaft, Soziologie und Sozialwissenschaften und der Musikwissenschaft und -pädagogik erstmals grundlegend und umfassend zu erschließen. Der Inhalt•• Veränderte Bedingungen des Aufwachsens im Jugendalter•• Historische Perspektiven auf Jugend und Musik von den 1950er bis zu den2000er Jahren•• Theoretische Zugänge aus musikpädagogischer, musiksoziologischer undsozialisationsspezifischer Sicht•• Empirische Ergebnisse zu den Dimensionen Familie, Peers und Freizeit,Medien, Beruf und Studium•• Forschungsperspektiven und -desiderata Die ZielgruppenFachwissenschaftlerInnen, DozentInnen und Studierende in den Bereichen Bildungswesen, Erziehungswissenschaft, Sozialpädagogik und Soziale Arbeit an Universitäten und Fachhochschulen; FachwissenschaftlerInnen in den Fachbereichen Soziologie, Musikwissenschaft und Psychologie. Die HerausgeberRobert Heyer und Sebastian Wachs sind Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter an der Universität Bremen im Arbeitsbereich Bildung und Sozialisation. Prof. Dr. Christian Palentien ist Hochschullehrer an der Universität Bremen und Leiter des Arbeitsbereiches Bildung und Sozialisation.
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The purpose of the present study was to examine the moderation of parental mediation in the longitudinal association between being a bystander of cyberbullying and cyberbullying perpetration and cyberbullying victimization. Participants were 1067 7th and 8th graders between 12 and 15 years old (51% female) from six middle schools in predominantly middle-class neighborhoods in the Midwestern United States. Increases in being bystanders of cyberbullying was related positively to restrictive and instructive parental mediation. Restrictive parental mediation was related positively to Time 2 (T2) cyberbullying victimization, while instructive parental mediation was negatively related to T2 cyberbullying perpetration and victimization. Restrictive parental mediation was a moderator in the association between bystanders of cyberbullying and T2 cyberbullying victimization. Increases in restrictive parental mediation strengthened the positive relationship between these variables. In addition, instructive mediation moderated the association between bystanders of cyberbullying and T2 cyberbullying victimization such that increases in this form of parental mediation strategy weakened the association between bystanders of cyberbullying and T2 cyberbullying victimization. The current findings indicate a need for parents to be aware of how they can impact adolescents' involvement in cyberbullying as bullies and victims. In addition, greater attention should be given to developing parental intervention programs that focus on the role of parents in helping to mitigate adolescents' likelihood of cyberbullying involvement.
This study (1) reports frequency rates of mutually exclusive traditional, cyber and combined (both traditional and cyber) bullying roles; and (2) investigates whether adolescents belonging to particular bullying roles show higher levels of involvement in risky online activities (Compulsive Internet Use (CIU), online grooming victimization, and sexting) and risky offline activities (bad behavior in school, drinking alcohol and truancy) than non-involved adolescents. The sample comprised self-reports of 1928 German, Dutch and Thai adolescents (Age = 12–18; M = 14.52; SD = 1.6). The results revealed age, sex and country differences in bullying frequency rates. CIU, sending of sexts and risky offline activities were most strongly associated with combined bully-victims. The receiving of sexts was most strongly associated with combined bullies; and online grooming victimization was most strongly related to cyber bully-victims. Another important finding is that the associations between risky offline activities and combined bullying are stronger than for traditional and cyber bullying. The findings contribute to better understanding of the associations between varying bullying roles and risky online and offline activities among adolescents. In sum, the results underscore the need to promote life skills rather than adopting more conventional approaches, which focus almost exclusively on reduction of risks.
Intro -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Autorenverzeichnis -- Teil I Einleitung -- 1 Wenn Hass redet und schädigt. Einleitung in den Sammelband -- Literatur -- Teil II Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften -- 2 Hass mit Likes: Hate Speech als Kommunikationsform in den Social Media -- 1 Einleitung -- 2 Was ist eigentlich (kein) Hate Speech? -- 2.1 Hate Speech und Medienwandel -- 2.2 Hate Speech und der politische Rechtsruck -- 3 Hate Speech in den social media -- 3.1 Hate Speech und digital objects -- 3.1.1 Hate Speech und media objects -- 3.1.2 Hate Speech und network objects -- 3.1.3 Hate Speech und phatic objects -- 4 Fazit -- Literatur -- 3 Sexistische Online-Hassrede auf Videoplattformen -- 1 Einleitung -- 1.1 Sexismus -- 1.2 Sexistische Online-Hassrede -- 1.3 Theorie -- 1.4 Messung und Datenerhebung -- 2 Forschungsstand -- 2.1 Risikofaktoren -- 2.2 Folgen -- 2.3 Prävalenzen -- 3 Methode -- 4 Ergebnisse -- 5 Fazit/Ausblick -- Literatur -- 4 Hass und seine vielen Gesichter: Eine sozial- und kommunikationswissenschaftliche Einordnung von Hate Speech -- 1 Einleitung -- 2 Inzivilität oder Hate Speech? Ein Differenzierungsversuch -- 3 Der "Sonderfall" Hate Speech im Internet -- 4 Verdeckter Hass: Hate Speech in der verbalen Kommunikation und Popkultur -- 5 Typen und Arten von Hate Speech -- 6 Wirkungs- und Gefahrenpotential von Hate Speech -- 7 Fazit -- Literatur -- Teil III Linguistik und Sprachwissenschaft -- 5 "Die ách so friedlichen Muslime": Eine korpusbasierte Untersuchung von Formulierungsmustern fremdenfeindlicher Aussagen in Sozialen Medien -- 1 Einleitung -- 2 Korpus -- 2.1 Korpusquellen -- 2.2 Datenauswahl -- 2.3 Linguistische Annotation -- 2.4 Benutzeroberfläche für Korpus-Suchanfragen und -Statistik -- 3 Illustration: die ách so-ADJ-SUBST-Konstruktion -- 3.1 Was ist eine Konstruktion?.
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AbstractCurrently, there is a lack of empirically evaluated prevention programs targeting hate speech among adolescents. This is problematic because hate speech jeopardizes adolescents' well-being and social integration. To this end, this study aims to evaluate the short-term effects of the newly developed anti-hate speech prevention program, "HateLess. Together against Hatred", on adolescents' empathy, self-efficacy, and counter-speech. Eight hundred and twenty adolescents between 12 and 16 (M = 13.27,SD = 1.04) from 11 German schools participated in this study. More specifically, 567 adolescents participated in the one-week prevention program, and 253 participants were assigned to the control group. Repeated measures ANOVAs showed that HateLess was successful, as there was a significant increase in empathy, self-efficacy, and counter-speech in the intervention group from the pretest (T1) to the posttest (T2) one month after the intervention. In contrast, no changes were found among adolescents in the control group. A multilevel mediation model revealed that the effect of being a member of the intervention group on counter-speech was partially mediated via empathy and self-efficacy. The findings indicate that HateLess is an effective, cost-efficient approach to enhance adolescents' counter-speech directly and indirectly by altering the skills they need to become informed citizens in democratic societies.
In: Child abuse & neglect: the international journal ; official journal of the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Band 120, S. 105250