Natural and Constructed Wetlands: Nutrients, Heavy Metals and Energy Cycling, and Flow
Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Contributors -- Chapter 1: Effects of Human Activity on the Processing of Nitrogen in Riparian Wetlands: Implications for Watershed Water Quality -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Methods -- 1.2.1 Wetland Study Sites -- 1.2.2 Quantifying Anthropogenic Activity Surrounding Wetland Study Sites -- 1.2.3 Field and Laboratory Measurements -- Nitrogen Pools -- Soil Accretion and Carbon Pools -- Hydrologic Metrics -- Data Analysis -- 1.3 Results -- 1.3.1 Nitrogen and Carbon (Soil Properties Important to N Cycling) -- 1.3.2 Hydrology -- 1.4 Summary and Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 2: Nutrients Tracking and Removal in Constructed Wetlands Treating Catchment Runoff in Norway -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Methods -- 2.2.1 Phosphorus Losses from Rural Catchments -- 2.2.2 Phosphorus Losses from On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems -- 2.2.3 Case Study -- Site Description -- Wetland Design -- Source Tracking and Distribution of Pollutants Through the Seasons -- 2.3 Results and Discussion -- 2.3.1 Phosphorus Losses from the Catchments -- Phosphorus Losses from On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems -- 2.3.2 Case Study -- Effect of the Constructed Wetland in the Gryteland Stream -- Faecal Contamination in the Catchment -- 2.4 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 3: Performance of Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater in Norway Over a Quarter of a Century - Options for Nutrient Removal and Recycling -- 3.1 The State of the Art in a Nutshell -- 3.2 General Characteristics and Design Principles -- 3.2.1 Septic Tank -- 3.2.2 Pre-filter/Biofilter -- 3.2.3 Constructed Filter/Wetland Bed -- 3.2.4 Filter Media -- 3.3 Overall Treatment Performance -- 3.4 Recycling Options for Filter Media -- 3.5 Conclusions -- References.