Study of bound states in 10Be by one neutron removal reactions of 11Be
13 pags., 6 figs. 3 tabs.-- Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0 ; The bound states of Be have been studied by removing single neutrons from Be nuclei. A 2.8 MeV u beam of Be was produced at ISOLDE, CERN and directed on to both proton and deuteron targets inducing one-neutron removal reactions. Charged particles were detected to identify the two reaction channels (d, t) and (p, d), and the individual states in Be were identified by gamma detection. All bound states but one were populated and identified in the (d, t) reaction. The combination of REX-ISOLDE and MINIBALL allowed for a clean separation of the high-lying states in Be. This is the first time these states have been separated in a reaction experiment. Differential cross sections have been calculated for all the reaction channels and compared to DWBA calculations. Spectroscopic factors are derived and compared to values from the litterature. While the overall agreement between the spectrocopic factors is poor, the ratio between the ground state and the first excited state is in agreement with the previous measured ones. Furthermore, a significant population of the state is observed, which which may indicate the presence of multi-step processes at our beam energy. ; This work was supported by the Danish Research Council, by the European Union Seventh Framework through ENSAR (Contract No. 262010) and a Marie Curie Actions Grant under Contract No. PIEF-GA-2008-219175, by the BMBF under Contracts No. 06MT7178, No. 06MT9156, No. 05P09PKCI5, No. 05P12PKFNE, No. 06DA9036I, No. 05P12RDCIA, No. 05P15PKCIA and Verbundprojekt 05P2015, by the Spanish MINNECO under Contracts No. FPA2012-34332 and No. FPA2015-, by the FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium), by GOA/10/010 (BOF KU Leuven), by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BriX network P7/12), by the United Kingdom Science and Technology Facilities Council, and by Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium, Garching. ; Peer Reviewed