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11 Ergebnisse
In: Europe Asia studies, Band 70, Heft 8, S. 1281-1302
ISSN: 1465-3427
In: Europe Asia studies, Band 70, Heft 8, S. 1281-1302
ISSN: 0966-8136
World Affairs Online
In: Socio.hu: társadalomtudományi szemle : social science review, Heft 1, S. 95-112
ISSN: 2063-0468
In: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Band 88, Heft 1, S. 91-120
In: Annals of public and cooperative economics, Band 88, Heft 1, S. 91-120
ISSN: 1467-8292
ABSTRACTThe 2008 global crisis brought about curiously inconsistent changes in state ownership: asset sales by governments and purchases of private stocks increased sharply and simultaneously. These concurrent instances of nationalization and privatization, on a major scale in historical terms, deserve attention. The paper examines why both now seem appropriate tools for crisis management in Europe and in the USA. It also estimates the scale of changes after 2008. The author argues that the rapid alternation, including parallel applications and mixed, 'silent' forms of nationalization and privatization, reflects ambiguity in political, theoretical and popular views. The uncertainty far exceeds ownership issues to include the role of the state in general, revealing fragmentation of measures in each direction: neither nationalization nor privatization has been based on any integrated, defined paradigm of economic policy.
In: Társadalmi szemle: társadalomtudományi folyóirata, Band 48, Heft 8-9, S. 5-15
ISSN: 0039-971X
World Affairs Online
In: Eastern European economics: EEE, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 57-91
ISSN: 1557-9298
In: Eastern European economics, Band 30, Heft 1, S. 1-91
ISSN: 0012-8775
World Affairs Online
In: Trends in World Economy, No. 73
Svejnar, J. ; Singer, M.: Using vouchers to privatise an economy: the Czech and Slovak case. S. 23-45. Bossak, J.: Current development of privatisation in Poland. S. 46-62. Novak, T.: Difficulties of privatisation. S. 63-98. Gaspar, P.: Privatisation and capital markets in Hungary. S. 99-117. Kardos, P.: The role of securities of preferential purchase schemes and of the stock market in Hungarian privatisation. S. 118-121. Major, I.: From credit vouchers to the small investors' share-purchase programme. S. 122-152. Mladek, J.: Czech companies after the first wave of voucher privatisation. S. 153-172. Schmognerova, B.: The role of investment funds in mass privatisation. S. 173-189. Voszka, E.: Self-privatisation as an alternative to centralised sales and distribution of state assets. S. 190-209. Kiss, J.: Transformation and privatisation in Hungarian agriculture. S. 210-232. Rozsahegyi, G.: Liquidation and privatisation. S. 233-240. Gaspar, P.: Some problems of banking and debtor consolidation in Hunary. S. 241-260
World Affairs Online