Simulation of Present Day Climate with Climate Model INMCM60
In: Izvestija Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk. Fizika atmosfery i okeana, Volume 59, Issue 1, p. 19-26
Simulation of present day climate with a new version of climate model developed in INM RAS is considered. The model differs from a previous version by the change in cloudiness and condensation scheme, that leads to higher sensitivity to CO2 increase. The changes are included also in calculation of aerosol evolution, land snow, atmospheric boundary layer parameterizations and other blocks. The model is capable to reproduce near surface air temperature, precipitation, sea level pressure, cloud radiation forcing and other parameters better than previous version. The largest improvement can be seen in simulation of temperature in tropical troposphere, polar tropopause, and surface temperature in the Southern ocean. Simulation of climate changes in 1850–2021 by two model versions is considered.