Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction, by Edoardo Ongaro
In: Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 69-70
ISSN: 2001-7413
15 Ergebnisse
In: Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 69-70
ISSN: 2001-7413
In: International Journal of Public Sector Management, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 333-341
The literature on managerial competences has not sufficiently addressed the value contents of competences and the generic features of public managers. This article presents a model of five competence areas: task competence, professional competence in substantive policy field, professional competence in administration, political competence and ethical competence. Each competence area includes both value and instrumental competences. Relatively permanent value competences are understood as commitments. The assumptions of new public management question not only the instrumental competences but also the commitments of traditional public service. The efficacy of human resource development is limited in learning new commitments. Apart from structural reforms that speed up the process, the friction in the change of commitments is seen as slow cultural change in many public organisations. This is expressed by transitional tensions in task commitment, professional commitment, political commitment, and ethical commitment of public managers.
In: International journal of public sector management: IJPSM, Band 13, Heft 4, S. 333-341
ISSN: 0951-3558
In: Revue française d'administration publique: publication trimestrielle, Heft 86, S. 311-322
ISSN: 0152-7401
In: Revue française d'administration publique, Band 86, Heft 1, S. 311-321
Bureaucracy and Politics in Finland : From an Aristocratic Elite to Middle Class Policy Network.
Up until the end of the 19th century, the civil service was in the hands of an aristocratic elite. Russian domination, followed by independence, called the aristocratic privileges into question by introducing new criteria as regards qualifications for access to the civil service. This development has been characterised by the increase in overall cohesion of the civil service. Furthermore, the evolution of the economic climate has reduced politicians' margin for manoeuvre and the powers of bureaucracy have as a result been reinforced.
In: Politiikka: Valtiotieteellisen Yhdistyksen julkaisu, Band 36, Heft 4, S. 240
ISSN: 0032-3365
In: Politiikka: Valtiotieteellisen Yhdistyksen julkaisu, Band 35, Heft 2, S. 116
ISSN: 0032-3365
Book review. Reviewed work: Philosophy and Public Administration: An Introduction / by Edoardo Ongaro. ; Non peer reviewed
The purpose of the chapter is to compare the governmental steering of research in Finlandand Sweden. In both countries, policies emphasise the relevance and excellence of academicresearch. Examples include Finland's establishment of SHOKs and Swedish initiative of havingstrategic research areas. However, the countries differ in their use of centralised and decentralisedpolicy instruments. The Finnish authorities have been more active in profiling the researchof individual universities.
The IPMN 2004 biennial research conference was held on November 17-19 in Rio de Janeiro hosted by the prestigious Brazilian School of Business and Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV/EBAPE), Brazil's leading school of public and business administration. Members of IPMN are grateful for the wonderful reception and management of the conference by the staff and faculty of EBAPE. The conference was attended by approximately fifty academics from all over the world including the U.S., Europe, Russia, and Latin America, with a strong contingent of practitioners from Brazilian local governments.
In: Public management review, Band 26, Heft 5, S. 1156-1177
ISSN: 1471-9045
In: Hallinnon Tutkimus, Band 40, Heft 1, S. 84-85
ISSN: 2343-4309
Suomalaisen hallinnon kehittämisen uranuurtaja, professori Markku Temmes kuoli Helsingissä 5.12.2020. Markku Temmes oli harvinainen hallinnon kehittäjä, sillä akateemisen uransa lisäksi hän oli luonut pitkän uran johtavana virkamiehenä niin valtiovarainministeriössä kuin Valtion-hallinnon kehittämiskeskuksen johtajana. Juuri tämä teorian ja käytännön yhdistäminen teki Markusta suurenmoisen opettajan ja kiinnostavan keskustelukumppanin. Ennen kuolemaansa hän ehti vielä nähdä komitealaitoksen paluun – instituution, jota hän arvosti ja jonka alasajoa hän 1990-luvulla vastusti voimakkaasti.
In: Hallinnon tutkimus: julkaisija Hallinnon Tutkimuksen Seura = Förvaltnings forskning = Administrative studies, Band 43, Heft 4
ISSN: 2343-4309
This unique book is the first to explore the public policy process through 19 contributions from diverse scholars from all over the world. It uses empirical material to demonstrate how many of the key theories and concepts may be applied to its analysis. These are linked by substantive commentary from the editor, Michael Hill, a renowned policy process expert, and organised into five sections: Stability and Change, Agenda Setting, Policy Formulation, Implementation and Governance and Globalism. This important new resource for policy process teaching uses cases from many policy areas and countries to bring to life for students the reality of the policy-making process using tools that help with understanding the real world.These tools help with the interpretation of the policy process. The book can be used in its own right and to accompany textbooks in the field and will be of value for masters and advanced undergraduate courses, as well as policy analyses and policymakers in public organisations