Christophe Charle et Daniel Roche (dir.), L'Europe. Encyclopédie historique: Paris, Actes Sud, 2018, 59 €
In: Cahiers d'histoire. Revue d'histoire critique, Heft 146
ISSN: 2102-5916
13 Ergebnisse
In: Cahiers d'histoire. Revue d'histoire critique, Heft 146
ISSN: 2102-5916
In: Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, Band 75, Heft 2, S. 357-358
ISSN: 1953-8146
In: Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine, Band 65-3, Heft 3, S. 185-186
ISSN: 1776-3045
In: Politica & sociedade: revista de sociologia politica, Band 17, Heft 38, S. 135-160
ISSN: 1677-4140, 2175-7984
A Segunda Guerra mundial mostrou que a ciência constitui um elemento indispensável de poder: depois de Hiroshima, não poderia mais ser desconsiderado. Consequentemente, os Estados ocidentais investem na Big Science com base no modelo fornecido pelos Estados Unidos. Diante do aparecimento de um novo regime de produção dos saberes científicos, as universidades têm que enfrentar o surgimento de um novo regime de produção das elites científicas. No entanto, o campo universitário francês vê suas estruturas mudarem lentamente; os governos dos anos 1940 e 1950 parecem apostar sobre a homotetia existente, sem uma política global. O presente artigo se interessa pela mobilização dos cientistas em nome de uma nova organização do métier científico, por meio de um consenso de que cabe ao Estado apoiar e orientar o desenvolvimento científico. De fato, depois dos primeiros fracassos frustrantes dessas mobilizações, uma política científica se afirma a partir de 1956–1958.
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
Adopting an approach grounded in the socio-history of sciences perspective, the aim of this thesis is to analyse and explain the transformation that occurred in France after the Second World War : the scientists, regarded in their vast majority as scholars during the 1940's, undertook what can be described as a major change of profession and craft and became researchers. Starting with the shift in the cultural representations of science caused by Hiroshima, the analysis focuses first on the entrance, or re-entrance, of the scientific question in the political arena, with the growing awareness of a number of actors, notably physicists and chemists, that « the Republic does need scientists ». The second part of the study addresses the universities' and laboratories' life : here the decline of the scholar's model is slower, but more ineluctable, as is shown through the diary of an officer of the Rockefeller Foundation, through the analysis of Academia's rules and regulations, and through prosopography and socialnetwork analysis. The third part focuses on the local scale and the social technology framing the production of scientists, as it undertook a major recomposition and internationalization, crystallizing the transformation of the profession and craft of the physical scientists. Through the study of the doctoral ecology designed to certify research training, the last part addresses the inscription of this new scientist's craft in the very norms that structured science – and access to research and university careers. ; L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser et d'expliquer, en adoptant un angle de socio-histoire des sciences combinant échelles et méthodes, la transition qui s'opère au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : les scientifiques, considérés et se considérant encore dans leur immense majorité comme des savants à la fin des années 1940, changent de métier et deviennent des chercheurs. Partant du déplacement majeur de la place de la science dans les représentations provoqué par Hiroshima, l'analyse ...
Adopting an approach grounded in the socio-history of sciences perspective, the aim of this thesis is to analyse and explain the transformation that occurred in France after the Second World War : the scientists, regarded in their vast majority as scholars during the 1940's, undertook what can be described as a major change of profession and craft and became researchers. Starting with the shift in the cultural representations of science caused by Hiroshima, the analysis focuses first on the entrance, or re-entrance, of the scientific question in the political arena, with the growing awareness of a number of actors, notably physicists and chemists, that « the Republic does need scientists ». The second part of the study addresses the universities' and laboratories' life : here the decline of the scholar's model is slower, but more ineluctable, as is shown through the diary of an officer of the Rockefeller Foundation, through the analysis of Academia's rules and regulations, and through prosopography and socialnetwork analysis. The third part focuses on the local scale and the social technology framing the production of scientists, as it undertook a major recomposition and internationalization, crystallizing the transformation of the profession and craft of the physical scientists. Through the study of the doctoral ecology designed to certify research training, the last part addresses the inscription of this new scientist's craft in the very norms that structured science – and access to research and university careers. ; L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser et d'expliquer, en adoptant un angle de socio-histoire des sciences combinant échelles et méthodes, la transition qui s'opère au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale : les scientifiques, considérés et se considérant encore dans leur immense majorité comme des savants à la fin des années 1940, changent de métier et deviennent des chercheurs. Partant du déplacement majeur de la place de la science dans les représentations provoqué par Hiroshima, l'analyse ...
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
In: Idées ećonomiques et sociales
ISSN: 2116-5289
In: Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, Band 73, Heft 4, S. 961-966
ISSN: 1953-8146