24 Ergebnisse
Con la testa e con il cuore si va ovunque: la storia della mia nuova vita
In: Ingrandimenti
Montini e l'apertura a sinistra: il falso mito del vescovo progressista
In: Contemporanea 18
Decifrare il Madrigale di Leopardi
In: Enthymema: rivista di teoria, critica e filosofia della letteratura, Heft 29, S. 1-15
ISSN: 2037-2426
Il saggio indaga una lirica di Leopardi, il Madrigale, inedita in vita, e ritrovata su un'unico foglio tra gli autografi delle carte napoletane. La breve lirica appare in due versioni, con alcuni versi varianti riportati in fondo all'autografo. Se dal punto di vista filologico è evidente che la versione posteriore sia la seconda, non è chiaro cosa esattamente la distingua dalla prima. Il mio argomento è che i testi del Madrigale sono distinti per alcune strutture poetiche (lo schema del fraseggio prosodico, la struttura metrica di un verso variante, e la distribuzione dei pronomi personali nel testo), che sono definite solo nella seconda versione. Dopo aver proposto un'analisi di queste strutture nel Madrigale, discuto criticamente alcuni fondamenti dell'approccio strutturale al testo poetico. Di qui lascio infine emergere una lettura che connette l'analisi strutturale all'estetica sociologica, e all'antropologia letteralmente decifrando la natura di 'Dinggedichtnegativo' del Madrigale
Este artículo presenta una experiencia colaborativa llevada adelante entre el Observatorio Latinoamericano (OLA), The New School, Nueva York, y el equipo del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (GCBA) que está a cargo del plan de adaptación local de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sustentable (ODS), en el marco del proyecto internacional "Implementing the New Urban Agenda and The Sustainable Development Goals: Comparative Urban Perspectives" del programa MISTRA Urban Futures (MUF), Chalmers University, Gotemburgo. Esta iniciativa tiene un enfoque transdisciplinar, concepto que incluye lo interdisciplinar y lo intersectorial, así como una metodología que involucra instancias de co-creación y co-producción. En el caso de Buenos Aires, el trabajo conjunto se centró en la interpretación de las metas e indicadores del ODS 11, cuyo horizonte para 2030 es que las ciudades y los asentamientos humanos sean inclusivos, seguros, resilientes y sustentables. Los espacios de reflexión concebidos entre el OLA y el GCBA pusieron en cuestionamiento la relación entre la academia y el sector público, habitualmente signada por dinámicas de transferencia, dando lugar a nuevas formas de construcción de conocimiento. SUMMARYThis article presents a collaborative experience carried out jointly by the Observatory on Latin American (OLA), The New School, New York, and the Buenos Aires City Government team that is in charge of the localization plan of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), within the framework of the international project "Implementing the New Urban Agenda and The Sustainable Development Goals: Comparative Urban Perspectives" of MISTRA Urban Futures program (MUF), Chalmers University, Gothenburg. This initiative has a transdisciplinary approach, which includes interdisciplinary and intersectorial dimensions, as well as a methodology that involves co-creation and co-production instances. In the case of Buenos Aires, the joint work was focused on the interpretation of SDG 11 goals and indicators, whose horizon by 2030 is to achieve inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and slums. The reflection spaces conceived by OLA and GCBA team questioned the relationship between the academy and the public sector, usually signed by dynamics of transference, allowing new forms of knowledge construction.
LA RESPONSABILITA SOCIALE D'IMPRESA: TEORIE, STRUMENTI, CASI: Il ruolo dei comitati etici nell'esperienza dei fondi di investimento socialmente responsabile
In: Politeia. Notizie di Politeia, Band 19, Heft 72, S. 216-242
ISSN: 1128-2401
Facets of trait impulsivity and their relationships to developmental trajectories of externalizing behaviors from childhood into early adolescence
In: Journal of research in personality, Band 114, S. 104555
ISSN: 0092-6566
Robotics for poultry farming: Challenges and opportunities
In: Computers and electronics in agriculture: COMPAG online ; an international journal, Band 226, S. 109411
ISSN: 1872-7107
Embryonic Exposure to Valproic Acid Impairs Social Predispositions of Newly-Hatched Chicks
This work was supported by a grant from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) Grant ERC-2011-ADG_20110406, Project No: 461 295517, PREMESOR to G.V. Support from Fondazione Caritro Grant Biomarker DSA [40102839] and PRIN 2015 (Neural bases of animacy detection, and their relevance to the typical and atypical development of the brain) to GV is also acknowledged.
Spontaneous learning of visual structures in domestic chicks
Effective communication crucially depends on the ability to produce and recognize structured signals, as apparent in language and birdsong. Although it is not clear to what extent similar syntactic-like abilities can be identified in other animals, recently we reported that domestic chicks can learn abstract visual patterns and the statistical structure defined by a temporal sequence of visual shapes. However, little is known about chicks' ability to process spatial/positional information from visual configurations. Here, we used filial imprinting as an unsupervised learning mechanism to study spontaneous encoding of the structure of a configuration of different shapes. After being exposed to a triplet of shapes (ABC or CAB), chicks could discriminate those triplets from a permutation of the same shapes in different order (CAB or ABC), revealing a sensitivity to the spatial arrangement of the elements. When tested with a fragment taken from the imprinting triplet that followed the familiar adjacency-relationships (AB or BC) vs. one in which the shapes maintained their position with respect to the stimulus edges (AC), chicks revealed a preference for the configuration with familiar edge elements, showing an edge bias previously found only with temporal sequences. ; This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/Advanced Grant ERC PREMESOR G.A. [nr. 295517], from Fondazione Caritro Grant Biomarker DSA [40102839] and PRIN 2015 (Neural bases of animacy detection, and their relevance to the typical and atypical development of the brain) to G.V.
Approaches Used to Describe, Measure, and Analyze Place of Practice in Dentistry, Medical, Nursing, and Allied Health Rural Graduate Workforce Research in Australia: A Systematic Scoping Review
Redressing the maldistribution of the health workforce in regional, rural, and remote geographical areas is a global issue and crucial to improving the accessibility of primary health care and specialist services. Geographical classification systems are important as they provide an objective and quantifiable measure of access and can have direct policy relevance, yet they are not always consistently applied in rural health research. It is unclear how research focusing on the graduate health workforce in Australia has described, measured, and analyzed place of practice. To examine approaches used, this review systematically scopes Australian rural studies focusing on dentistry, medicine, nursing, and allied health graduates that have included place of practice as an outcome measure. The Joanna Brigg's Institute Scoping Review Methodology was used to guide the review. Database searches retrieved 1130 unique citations, which were screened, resulting in 62 studies for inclusion. Included studies were observational, with most focusing on the practice locations of medical graduates and predicators of rural practice. Variations in the use of geographical classification approaches to define rurality were identified and included the use of systems that no longer have policy relevance, as well as adaptations of existing systems that make future comparisons between studies challenging. It is recommended that research examining the geographical distribution of the rural health workforce use uniform definitions of rurality that are aligned with current government policy.