21 Ergebnisse
Cross-Sectional Dispersion and Expected Returns
Working paper
On the underestimation of risk in hedge fund performance persistence: geolocation and investment strategy effects
In: Klubinski W., J. and Verousis T. (2021) "On the underestimation of risk in hedge fund performance persistence: geolocation and investment strategy effects." In: C. Zopounidis et al. (eds.), Financial Risk Management and Modeling, Risk, Systems and Decisions.
Market value of R&D, patents, and CEO characteristics
Working paper
Working paper
The Road to Economic Recovery: Pandemics and Innovation
Working paper
The Determinants of Dim Sum Bond Liquidity
Working paper
Asymmetric post-announcement drift to good and bad news: evidence from voluntary trading disclosures in the Chinese stock market
This article investigates the post-announcement drift (PAD) of stock returns in the Chinese stock market. We use a sample of voluntary trading disclosures to test the hypothesis that an asymmetric PAD exists in a market in which managers are more likely to suppress negative news. We show that a pattern of short-term momentum and long-term reversal in returns persists for up to 250 trading days following the announcement of trading statements in the Chinese stock market. This finding is stronger for positive announcements in terms of the magnitude and the variance of stock returns. Our findings are in line with both Shin's theoretical predictions and the credibility hypothesis, in which disclosure and asset returns are jointly determined and the adoption of a "sanitisation strategy" in information disclosure generates more volatile returns for firms issuing good news. Further, we show that the latter effect is more pronounced for firms which are partially state-owned, suggesting that they potentially receive more government support, a finding which is in line with the hypothesis that the incentive to suppress negative information is related to a country's legal/judicial system.
A Conditional Fuzzy Inference Approach in Forecasting
In: European Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming
Vice-chancellor narcissism and university performance
In: Research policy: policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovation, Band 53, Heft 1, S. 104901
ISSN: 1873-7625
Vice-Chancellor Narcissism and University Performance
In: Research Policy, Forthcoming