OCT-based full crystalline lens shape change during accommodation in vivo
16 pags., 7 figs. -- OCIS codes: (110.4500) Optical coherence tomography; (110.6880) Three-dimensional image acquisition; (330.7322) Visual optics, accommodation; (100.2960) Image analysis; (330.7327) Visual optics, ophthalmic instrumentation ; The full shape of the accommodating crystalline lens was estimated using custom three-dimensional (3-D) spectral OCT and image processing algorithms. Automatic segmentation and distortion correction were used to construct 3-D models of the lens region visible through the pupil. The lens peripheral region was estimated with a trained and validated parametric model. Nineteen young eyes were measured at 0-6 D accommodative demands in 1.5 D steps. Lens volume, surface area, diameter, and equatorial plane position were automatically quantified. Lens diameter & surface area correlated negatively and equatorial plane position positively with accommodation response. Lens volume remained constant and surface area decreased with accommodation, indicating that the lens material is incompressible and the capsular bag elastic. ; European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement (ERC-2011-AdG- 294099); Spanish Government (FIS2011-25637); Spanish Government (FIS2014-56643-R). ; Peer Reviewed