Parametric study of chiral metamaterial structures for enhancing radiation characteristics of planar antennas
Chiral Metamaterials are artificial composite materials exhibiting further properties neither observed in its constituents nor available in the nature, such as negative refractive indices or high polarization plane rotations, or enhancing the composite features relative to the individual properties of its constituents. In this communication a comparative parametric study of different plane chiral metamaterials presenting 3D chirality is performed. The obtained results show how rosette-type structures are more appropriate to improve the rotation of the polarization plane whereas specular-type assemblies are more suitable for obtaining broader band widths. Finally, the application of these structures as antenna plane covers for enhancing the antenna gain and axial ratio is also examined. ; This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Government MINECO through the Research Projects CONSOLIDER CSD2008-00066 EMET and TEC2010-21496-C03-01.