Hematological parameters and total plasma protein values of captive strigiformes occurring in Brazil
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, S. 2129-2142
ISSN: 1679-0359
Brazil has the highest number of birds of prey in the world, which are important environmental quality indicators. Nevertheless, few studies of the clinical pathology of raptors have been developed in this country. The objectives of this study were to create a database of owl hematology in Brazil and to compare the values between sex in Asio clamator, Megascops spp. and Tyto furcata. Blood samples were collected from 81 captive owls of 10 species located in Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná and São Paulo states, Brazil. Hemogram and Total Plasma Protein (TPP) values were determined. Reference intervals (RIs) and descriptive statistic values were established using an Excel program with Reference Value Advisor. The reference intervals were the following: A. clamator: RBC (×106/?L) 1.0-2.5; PCV (%) 30.2-50.1; Hb (g dL-1) 6.7-15.3; MCV (fL) 123.8-355.2; MCHC (%) 17.1-38.6; WBC (× 103/?L) 1.2-23.6; Heterophils (× 103/?L) 0.6-16.6; Lymphocytes (× 103/?L) 0.6-10.2; Eosinophils (× 103/?L) 0.0-1.9; Basophils (× 103/?L) 0.0-1.0; Thrombocytes (× 103/?L) 10.8-56.6; H/L 0.0-10.8. Megascops spp.: RBC (× 106/?L) 0.8-2.3; PCV (%) 29.7-44.6; Hb (g dL-1) 6.4-12.4; MCV (fL) 131.6-374.4; MCHC (%) 12.1-34; WBC (× 103/?L) 0.7-23.1; Heterophils (× 103/?L) 1.1-10.3; Lymphocytes (× 103/?L) 0.0-11.5; Eosinophils (× 103/?L) 0.0-2.2; Basophils (× 103/?L) 0.0-0.7; Thrombocytes (× 103/?L) 10.3-43.6; H/L 0.5-7.3; TPP (g dL-1) 2.9-5.1. The parameters for Tyto furcata were presented with descriptive statistics values. Individual data were provided for the others Strigiformes species sampled. This study provides a wide database of hematological and TPP references for Megascops spp., A. clamator and T. furcata and hematological values for Athene cunicularia, Bubo virginianus, Pulsatrix perspicillata, Asio stygius, Pulsatrix koeniswaldiana, Strix virgata and Asio flammeus in Brazil.