Impact of nature of advergames on brand recall and brand attitude among young Indian gamers: moderating roles of game-product congruence and persuasion knowledge
In: Young consumers: insight and ideas for responsible marketers, Band 16, Heft 4, S. 454-467
ISSN: 1758-7212
– The purpose of this study is to enhance the knowledge of advertising effects of nature of advergame (game speed) on gamers' brand recall and attitude. More specifically, this study investigates varying effects of game speed in advergames on young Indian gamers' brand recall and attitudes under varied game-product congruence and persuasion knowledge conditions from attention, elaboration and persuasion perspectives.
– A 2 (nature of advergame: fast or slow) × 2 (game-product congruence: high or low) × 2 (persuasion knowledge: high or low) between-subject measures design is used. Experimental data were collected from 235 Indian graduate students. ANOVAs and MANOVA with pre-planned contrasts are used to test the hypotheses.
– The results indicate that for a slow-paced advergame, low game-product congruence result in high brand recall than high game-product congruence. For a fast-paced advergame, there is no difference in brand recall between low game-product congruence and high game-product congruence. Furthermore, findings reveal that for a slow-paced advergame with low game-product congruence, subjects with high persuasion knowledge report high brand recall and less favorable brand attitude than subjects with low persuasion knowledge. On the other hand, for a fast-paced advergame with low game-product congruence, there is no difference in brand recall and brand attitude between the subjects with high persuasion knowledge and the subjects with low persuasion knowledge.
Practical implications
– The findings of the study are very important for advertising practitioners, as selection of media that fit the advertised product with reference to the nature and content of the media is a planning strategy that has been widely used by media planners. Thus, if advertisers want to create high brand awareness by creating high brand memory, then slow-paced advergames with low congruent brand placements can be chosen as an effective in-game media strategy for online advertising. Additionally, game developers and marketers can plan and develop more effective advergames by taking into account the persuasion knowledge factor so that the implementation would have the strongest positive effect on consumers' brand recall and brand attitude.
– This study contributes to the literature of non-traditional media advertising, specifically advergaming context by exploring the impact of nature of game and game-product congruence on gamers' ad-persuasion. Also, this study is the first attempt to understand how the game speed and its boundary conditions influence gamers' brand recall and attitude and in attention, elaboration and persuasion perspectives.