Megacities 2050: Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Landscape Architecture to Support City Sustainable Development
In: Springer Geography Ser.
Intro -- Preface -- Organization -- Committee -- Chief Patron -- Scientific Program Chair -- Organizing Co-chair -- Scientific Program Committee -- Organizing Chair -- Organizing Co-chair -- Organizing Committee -- Organizing Secretary -- Organized by -- Contents -- Signal and Image Processing -- MEGACITIES 2050: From Urbanization Risks Towards Sustainable Urban Development -- Abstract -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Urbanization of Biosphere: From Mega- to Ecopolises -- Abstract -- 1 Industrial Approach to a Growth -- 2 Post-industrial Shifting from Growth to Development -- 3 Multidisciplinary Approach to Avoid Misunderstanding -- 4 SD Principles in Local Planning -- 5 Conclusion -- Acknowledgments -- References -- Measuring the Role of Urban Vegetation on Air Quality: The Case Study of the Real Bosco di Capodimonte in Naples, Italy -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Materials and Methods -- 2.1 Site Description -- 2.2 Eddy Covariance System -- 3 Results -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Urban Soil Respiration and Its Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Components Compared to Adjacent Forest and Cropland Within the Moscow Megapolis -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Materials and Methods -- 2.1 Study Area -- 2.2 Experimental Design -- 2.3 Soil Respiration Partitioning and Measurements in Situ -- 2.4 Soil Chemical Properties and Microbial Biomass Carbon -- 2.5 Statistical Analysis -- 3 Results -- 3.1 Soil Chemical Properties and Microbial Biomass Carbon -- 3.2 In Situ Measurements of Soil Respiration and Its Components -- 4 Discussion -- 4.1 Soil Respiration and Its Components in Urban, Forest and Cropland Soils -- 4.2 Temporal Trends of Soil Respiration -- 5 Conclusion -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Modelling and Mapping Urban Soils -- Abstract -- 1 Introduction -- 2 What are Urban Areas? -- 3 Modelling Urbanization -- 4 Mapping Urban Soils.