Functional mapping of the GAGA factor assigns its transcriptional activity to the C-terminal glutamine-rich domain
GAGA is a nuclear protein encoded by the Trithorax-like gene in Drosophila that is expressed in at least two isoforms generated by alternative splicing. By means of its specific interaction with DNA, GAGA has been involved in several nuclear transactions including regulation of gene expression. Here we have studied the GAGA519 isoform as a transcription factor. In vitro, the transactivation domain has been assigned to the 93 C- terminal residues that correspond to a glutamine-rich domain (Q-domain). It presents an internal modular structure and acts independently of the rest of the protein. In vivo, in Drosophila SL2 cells, Q-domain can transactivate reporter genes either in the form of GAGA or Gal4BD-Q fusions, whereas a GAGA mutant deleted of the Q-domain cannot. Our results give support to the notion that GAGA can function as a transcription activating factor. ; This work was supported by Spanish Dirección General de Enzeñanza Superior Grant PB96-0812, European Union Grant FMRX-CT97-0109, and Comissió Interdepartamental de Recerca i InnovacióTecnològica (CIRIT) of the Generalitat de Catalunya Grant SGR97-55. This work was carried out in the context of the Centre de Referència en Biotecnologia of the CIRIT of the Generalitat de Catalunya ; Peer Reviewed