Location Information Strategies: Bringing Location into e-Government
In: Government e-Strategic Planning and Management, S. 65-82
6 Ergebnisse
In: Government e-Strategic Planning and Management, S. 65-82
In: Practical Studies in E-Government, S. 229-248
In: Computers, environment and urban systems, Band 38, S. 58-66
In: Computers, environment and urban systems: CEUS ; an international journal, Band 38, S. 58-66
ISSN: 0198-9715
Manual of Digital Earth / Editors: Huadong Guo, Michael F. Goodchild, Alessandro Annoni .- Springer, 2020 .- ISBN: 978-981-32-9915-3 ; Geospatial information infrastructures (GIIs) provide the technological, semantic,organizationalandlegalstructurethatallowforthediscovery,sharing,and use of geospatial information (GI). In this chapter, we introduce the overall concept and surrounding notions such as geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial datainfrastructures(SDI).WeoutlinethehistoryofGIIsintermsoftheorganizational andtechnologicaldevelopmentsaswellasthecurrentstate-of-art,andreflectonsome of the central challenges and possible future trajectories. We focus on the tension betweenincreasedneedsforstandardizationandtheever-acceleratingtechnological changes. We conclude that GIIs evolved as a strong underpinning contribution to implementation of the Digital Earth vision. In the future, these infrastructures are challengedtobecomeflexibleandrobustenoughtoabsorbandembracetechnological transformationsandtheaccompanyingsocietalandorganizationalimplications.With this contribution, we present the reader a comprehensive overview of the field and a solid basis for reflections about future developments.
This presentation was given at FOSS4G Europe 2017 conference (http://europe.foss4g.org/2017). It presents the first findings of the project giCASES - Creating a University-Enterprise Alliance for a Spatially Enabled Society (http://gicases.eu), which is a Knowledge Alliance project funded under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. The key point of giCASES approach is the introduction of a case-based learning approach in education, based on the co-creation of knowledge between universities and enterprises working in the field of Geographic Information. More information can be found in the paper submitted for the Academic Track of FOSS4G Europe 2017, which is available under a CC-BY 4.0 license at https://www.int-arch-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/XLII-4-W2/129/2017. ; This work was supported by the project "giCASES – Creating a University-Enterprise Alliance for a Spatially Enabled Society", co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, Knowledge Alliances N° 562657-EPP-A-2015-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA.