
3 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12009

Use of pJANUS™-02-001 as a calibrator plasmid for Roundup Ready soybean event GTS-40-3-2 detection: an interlaboratory trial assessment


Open Access#22020

Towards a European health research and innovation cloud (HRIC)

In: Aarestrup , F M , Albeyatti , A , Armitage , W J , Auffray , C , Augello , L , Balling , R , Benhabiles , N , Bertolini , G , Bjaalie , J G , Black , M , Blomberg , N , Bogaert , P , Bubak , M , Claerhout , B , Clarke , L , De Meulder , B , D'Errico , G , Di Meglio , A , Forgo , N , Gans-Combe , C , Gray , A E , Gut , I , Gyllenberg , A , Hemmrich-Stanisak , G , Hjorth , L , Ioannidis , Y , Jarmalaite , S , Kel , A , Kherif , F , Korbel , J O , Larue , C , Laszlo , M , Maas , A , Magalhaes , L , Manneh-Vangramberen , I , Morley-Fletcher , E , Ohmann , C , Oksvold , P , Oxtoby , N P , Perseil , I , Pezoulas , V , Riess , O , Riper , H , Roca , J , Rosenstiel , P , Sabatier , P , Sanz , F , Tayeb , M , Thomassen , G , Van Bussel , J , Van den Bulcke , M & Van Oyen , H 2020 , ' Towards a European health research and innovation cloud (HRIC) ' , Genome Medicine , vol. 12 , no. 1 , 18 , pp. 1-14 .


Open Access#32020

Towards a European health research and innovation cloud (HRIC)