REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over the past 40 years FIRE ENGINE View project FUELMON -remote FUEL break MONitoring for forest fire protection View project
REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over thepast 40 years (RETRO)Objectives:• exploit (often under-utilised) existing data sets from ground based stations,aircraft, and satellite instruments, integrating these into common datasets,• develop tools for the analysis, interpretation and exploitation of the data,• formulate recommendations for future measurement strategies,• assess changes in trace compound emissions and their effect on troposphericchemical composition and aerosols, and the associated radiative forcing, overthe past 40 years,• provide an assessment of uncertainties caused by climate variability,• evaluate emission control strategies in Europe,• predict changes over the next 20 years in tropospheric composition, andradiative forcing through model studies using the emission scenarios definedfor the IPCC 2001 climate assessment,• analyze the magnitude of intercontinental pollutant transport.Scientific achievements:• first detailed, comprehensive and consistent data sets on global emissionsfrom fossil and biofuel combustion and from open vegetation burningcovering the time period 1960-2000; available as gridded data sets with0.5°×0.5° and monthly mean resolution,• first global long-term atmospheric chemistry integrations with several stateof-the-art models using the ERA-40 meteorological data, the RETROemissions and other constrains in a consistent and well-documented manner,• analysis of key parameters controlling the interannual and seasonalvariability and the longer-term trends in the tropospheric composition relatedto ozone and its precursors,• development of new software tools for the analysis of observational data andmodel results; standardisation of model output and data formats anddefinition of model evaluation metrics and skill scores,• development of a comprehensive data base for tropospheric compositionobservations with complete metadata definition and a user-friendly interfacefor data access,• multi-model analysis of specific scenarios related to power generation andthe ...