Methodologies of legal research: which kind of method for what kind of discipline?
In: European Academy of Legal Theory monograph series 9
15 Ergebnisse
In: European Academy of Legal Theory monograph series 9
In: Bloomsbury collections
In: Ciencia jurídica: CJ, Band 3, Heft 6, S. 127-148
ISSN: 2007-6142
Este trabajo analiza el problema del estatuto de la doctrina jurídica. En primerlugar, se aborda la disciplina desde una perspectiva histórica, destacándose que, en sus orígenes, primaban sus perfiles argumentativos más que científicos. Posteriormente, examina cómo han influido en la misma los desarrollos de las ciencias positivas; es decir, si es posible que la doctrina jurídica sea o se equipare a una disciplina "científica". Una vez presentadas las distintas concepciones en las que la doctrina jurídica se ha presentado, el autor propone definirla como "disciplina empírico-hermenéutica". Sostiene que su núcleo sigue siendo la interpretación. Finalmente, incursiona en el tema de en qué medida la doctrina jurídica y su metodología se asemeja a (y diferencia de) otras disciplinas científicas para terminar proponiendo temas de debate abiertos a futuras investigaciones.
In: Maastricht journal of European and comparative law: MJ, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 298-303
ISSN: 2399-5548
In: Droit et société: revue internationale de théorie du droit et de sociologie juridique, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 93-101
ISSN: 0769-3362
Four topics concerning legal definitions in statutes are studied : the utility and the nature of statutory definitions, the way in which these definitions are formulated, the importance of legal definitions for legal drafting, and the consequences of such statutory definitions for the interpretation of the statutes. It appears that the legislator defines concepts in the statutes in different way s. To such an extent that one cannot
clearly distinguish between an explicitly formulated classical definition, on the one side, and the other stipulations in the statutes in which the defined word is used , on the other side. This follows from the fact that the latter stipulations determine, precise and shade the legal meaning of the defined word to an important extent. It is argued that the "legal" meaning of a word is not in the first place determined by a statutory definition, but rather by the function the word fulfills in the statute and in the social regulation the legislator is aiming at, or, more generally speaking, the normative context of the word.
"This cutting-edge book facilitates debate amongst scholars in law, humanities and social sciences, where comparative methodology is far less well anchored in most areas compared to other research methods. It posits that these are disciplines in which comparative research is not simply a bonus, but is of the essence. Featuring discussions and reflections from scholars experienced in conducting comparative research, this book considers the ways in which comparative legal research can gain important comparative, qualitative and interpretive insights from the humanities and from the social sciences. Chapters examine contrasting comparative legal versus historical approaches, comparative sociology, comparative religion, comparative (legal) anthropology, comparative philosophy, comparative economics and more. Additionally, the book considers the challenges that lie ahead, not just for comparative legal research, but for comparative disciplines as a whole. Of the many challenges that are identified and discussed, the book concludes that comparative research can especially be further developed when it also is understood as a research design, instead of just a method. Inspiring and progressive, this book will be a crucial reference point for both research students and experienced researchers who are embarking on comparative research within the disciplines of law, humanities and social sciences"--
In: Bloomsbury collections
Objectivity in law and jurisprudence /Mark Van Hoecke --Can legal theory be objective? /Jaap Hage --The impossibility of an outsider's perspective /Pauline C. Westerman --Objective legal reasoning : objectivity without objects /Matti Ilmari Niemi --Legal certainty as an element of objectivity in law /Juha Raitio --Objective rules of argumentation /Bertjan Wolthuis --Easy cases and objective interpretation /Niko Soininen --Can inalienable rights provide an objective foundation for law and morality? /Maija Aalto-Heinilä --Objectivity and the law's assumptions about human behaviour /Peter Cserne --Kaleidoscopic cultural views and legal theory : dethroning the objectivity? /Jaakko Husa --Translators and legal comparatists as objective mediators between cultures? /Caroline Laske --Legal science challenged by cultural paradigms : "subjective objectivity" in legal scholarship /Mustapha El Karouni.
In: European Academy of Legal Theory monograph series 10
In: The international & comparative law quarterly: ICLQ, Band 47, Heft 3, S. 495-536
ISSN: 1471-6895
Over the past decade especially, many writers have emphasised the need for a broad approach to the subject of comparative law, thereby moving it beyond the "law as rules" approach of traditional legal doctrine. It is becoming steadily apparent that comparatists cannot limit themselves to simply comparing rules. The "law as rules" approach has to be placed in a much wider context Broader investigation reveals that it is not even rules which are at the core of the comparative endeavour; it is, rather, the legal discourse, the way lawyers work with the law and reason about it.
In: European Academy of legal theory monograph series
In: European Academy of Legal Theory monograph series
Legal culture v. legal tradition /Alan Watson --Legal cultures and legal traditions /H. Patrick Glenn --Legal epistemology and transformation of legal cultures /Marek Zirk-Sadowski --Epistemology and comparative law : contributions from the sciences and social sciences /Geoffrey Samuel --How to make comparable things : legal engineering at the service of comparative law /Juha Karhu (previously Juha Pöyhönen) --Methodology and European law - can methodology change so as to cope with the multiplicity of the law? /Karl-Heinz Ladeur --Comparative law of obligations : methodology and epistemology /Christian von Bar --Codifying European private law /Walter van Gerven --Deep level comparative law /Mark van Hoecke --NICE dreams and realities of European private law /Nikolas Roos --Europeanisation of national legal systems : some consequences for legal thinking in civil law countries /Jan M. Smits --Comparative law and the internationalisation of law in Europe /Mireille Delmas-Marty --Public law in Europe : caught between the national and sub-national and the European? /John Bell --New challenges in public and private international legal theory : can comparative scholarship help? /Horatia Muir Watt --Abridged or forbidden speech : how can speech be regulated through speech? /François Rigaux --Legisprudence of comparative law /Luc J. Wintgens --Rawls' political conception of rights and liberties : an illiberal but pragmatic approach to the problems of harmonisation and globalisation /Paul de Hert and Serge Gutwirth --Family trees for legal systems : towards a contemporary approach /Esin Örücü --Acommon legal language in Europe? /Anne Lise Kjær.