Sensitising rural policy: Assessing spatial variation in rural development options for Europe
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 447-459
ISSN: 0264-8377
6 Ergebnisse
In: Land use policy: the international journal covering all aspects of land use, Band 28, Heft 3, S. 447-459
ISSN: 0264-8377
In: Revue économique, Band 68, Heft 3, S. 491-510
ISSN: 1950-6694
Nous étudions d'intéressantes variations dans les taux de location touristique du comté de Hocking (Ohio, États-Unis). L'industrie des chalets avec jacuzzi est née dans les années 1970 et s'est rapidement développée depuis 1990. Nous mettons en œuvre une régression hédonique sur une base de données de 503 chalets, appartenant à 143 entreprises, pour expliquer la variation dans les taux de location et dans les revenus générés. Cette analyse est complétée par une analyse exploratoire spatiale. Nous estimons l'impact relatif lié à la proximité d'aménités environnementales, d'infrastructures et de commerces. Les taux de locations sont corrélés aux différentes caractéristiques individuelles des chalets privés. Le revenu moyen est plus élevé lorsqu'il offre un meilleur accès. En revanche, la proximité des mines représente une désaménité significative qui est cependant compensée par une plus grande couverture forestière.
In: SOFTX-D-22-00308
In: Urban Planning, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 239-252
Urban residents are often unevenly vulnerable to extreme weather and climate events due to socio-economic factors and insufficient greenspace. This can be amplified if citizens are not meaningfully consulted in the planning and design decisions, with changes to greenspace having detrimental impacts on local communities, e.g., through green gentrification. These deficiencies can be addressed through inclusive landscape-level collaborative planning and design processes, where residents are fully engaged in the co-creation of urban greenspaces. A promising way to support co-creation efforts is gamifying technology-based interactive decision support systems (DSSs). Gamification, the incorporation of video game elements or play into non-game contexts, has previously been used for DSSs in urban planning and to inform the public about the impacts of climate change. However, this has yet to combine informational goals with design-play functionality in the redesign of urban greenspaces. We conducted a review of state-of-the-art video game DSSs used for urban planning engagement and climate education. Here, we propose that gamified DSSs should incorporate educational elements about climate change alongside the interactive and engaging elements of urban planning games, particularly for real-world scenarios. This cross-disciplinary approach can facilitate improved community engagement in greenspace planning, informing design and management strategies to ensure multiple benefits for people and the environment in climate-vulnerable cities.
Individuals, communities, and societies ascribe a diverse array of values to landscapes. These values are shaped by the aesthetic, cultural, and recreational benefits and services provided by those landscapes. However, across the globe, processes such as urbanization, agricultural intensification, and abandonment are threatening landscape integrity, altering the personally meaningful connections people have toward specific places. Existing methods used to study landscape values, such as social surveys, are poorly suited to capture dynamic landscape-scale processes across large geographic extents. Social media data, by comparison, can be used to indirectly measure and identify valuable features of landscapes at a regional, continental, and perhaps even worldwide scale. We evaluate the usefulness of different social media platforms—Panoramio, Flickr, and Instagram—and quantify landscape values at a continental scale. We find Panoramio, Flickr, and Instagram data can be used to quantify landscape values, with features of Instagram being especially suitable due to its relatively large population of users and its functional ability of allowing users to attach personally meaningful comments and hashtags to their uploaded images. Although Panoramio, Flickr, and Instagram have different user profiles, our analysis revealed similar patterns of landscape values across Europe across the three platforms. We also found variables describing accessibility, population density, income, mountainous terrain, or proximity to water explained a significant portion of observed variation across data from the different platforms. Social media data can be used to extend our understanding of how and where individuals ascribe value to landscapes across diverse social, political, and ecological boundaries.
The content of this report is a deliverable to the FP 7 project RUFUS (Rural future Networks) concerning the case studies made within the project. As a deliverable in a EU framework project it reports extensively on the methods and empirical data collected in the project's case studies. The work has as an overarching motive to translate research findings into implications that are relevant for policy makers in the EU. The conclusions from the case studies are therefore of two types – the findings made and the implications they might give for policy making within the field of rural development.